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Visita del professor Do-Yeong Kim (Ajou University, South Korea)

  • 18 de gener de 2018
Professor Do-Yeong Kim

El grup d'investigació en Finances del Comportament i Experimentals del Departament de Finances Empresarials, i l'Estructura d'Investigació en Comportament Econòmic i Social (ERICES) acolliran des del 26 de gener fins el 7 de febrer de 2018 al Professor Do-Yeong Kim com a investigador convidat.

Do-Yeong Kim, Professor of Management a la School of Business and Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Business and Psychology & Global Management (IIRBP&GM) de la Ajou University, South Korea, presentarà el 2 de febrer de 2018 la investigació:

“Group decision-making under uncertainty: Understanding cross-cultural risk differences"


Abstract: Since a balanced cross-cultural perspective needs to be taken in risk research, the present study examined intra- and inter-cultural differences in attitudes and decisions toward risk by comparing Chinese (collectivist), South Korean (collectivist), and Australian (individualist) individuals. When evaluated individually, the Australian, South Korean, and Chinese individuals were arranged in the order of favoring risk on attitudes and choices, although this pattern tenuously varied by domains of risk. Regardless of the gender composition of the groups, the Chinese sample did not exhibit the tendency to take greater risks when making group decisions versus individual decisions. This result was different from that of the South Koreans and Australians, who exhibited a unique risky shift (i.e., group polarization). The implications of these results and follow-up studies are discussed in terms of the socio-cultural norms of each country.”

Podeu consultar el curriculum vitae del Catedràtic Do-Yeong Kim clicant ací