Titulo: Simulating core-collapse supernovae with Flash-X+thornado
Lugar: Seminario del DAA. Edificio Investigación Jeronimo Muñoz, planta cuarta, en Burjassot.
Día: Jueves 12 de diciembre de 2024. Hora: 12:00.
Neutrino-matter coupling via weak interactions is one of the most important physical mechanisms in the evolution of core-collapse supernovae (CCSN). The
numerical modeling of these systems in an inherently multi-physics, multi-method and multi-scale problem. In this talk, we will describe the union of three codes
to simulate CCSN: Flash-X+thornado+WeakLib, which evolve the fluid and gravity and provide the computational infrastructure (Flash-X), a code that evolves
neutrino radiation hydrodynamics in a spectral two-moment model using the discontinuous Galerkin method (thornado), and a library that provides the equation
of state and weak interaction opacity tables (WeakLib). We will describe the two-moment spectral neutrino transport in thornado, interfacing fluid data in
different representations (finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin), as well as our performance portability strategy using OpenMP/OpenACC offloading to harness
heterogeneous exascale machines such as Frontier at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. We will present results and performance data from fully adaptive mesh refinement CCSN simulations using Flash-X+thornado+WeakLib.