Doctoral thesis tutors
- Once admitted and enrolled in the doctoral studies programme, a tutor or a PhD with the accredited research experience linked to the unit or school organising the programme will be assigned to all the students by the corresponding academic committee. In all cases students enrolled in the Universitat de València will have a tutor from the Universitat de València.
- In order to be tutor of a doctoral thesis, you must hold a PhD title and be member of one of the research lines participating in the doctoral studies programme.
- It is responsibility of the tutor to ensure the interaction of the doctoral student with the academic committee and, concretely:
- To be responsible of the suitability of the training and research activities of the doctoral student to the basis of the programme and, if necessary, to the doctoral school.
- To guide the student through the election of courses, seminars or other non regulated activities addressed to research training.
Direction of Doctoral Theses
- The academic committee responsible of the programme will appoint to each doctoral student, within a maximum period of three months since their enrolment, one director of doctoral thesis who may coincide or not with the tutor. This appoint may be held by any doctor with the accredited research experience, independent of the University, Centre or Institution where working.
- A doctoral thesis can be co-tutored by three PhD at maximum with the conditions of the previous section, after the authorisation of the academic committee in the event of interdisciplinarity thematic or programmes developed in collaboration with other universities of the State or international universities.
- No doctor from the Universitat de València may supervise or co-supervise more than 10 theses simultaneously.
- The director will be able to renounce to the supervising work of the student with a letter of resignation motivated presented to the academic committee of the doctoral studies programme, who will decide on the request and proceed to the appointment of another director to continue with the doctoral study.
- The general regulations of the Universitat de València for the professors activity will stablish the equivalence in credits of the tutoring and direction of doctoral theses.