The Universities should guarantee the quality of their education, following determined procedures. For this, the University of Valencia, by means of their centres and the Quality Unit has designed an Internal Quality Guarantee System (SGIC) for the doctoral programmes.
Quality system of the doctoral programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies.
The Academic Committee of the doctoral programme in Advanced Hispanic Studies is the managing body of the doctoral programme. This committee has as competences the programmation, coordination and academic supervision of the programme. And it is also responsible for dealing with the advices presented by the Quality Committee of the Programme and for examining the complaints presented by the doctoral students of the programme by means of the complaint application.
The programme also has a Quality Committee (CCD). The function of this committee is the monitoring of the quality programme and the study for improvements. They meet regularly in order to make a monitoring of the development of the programme and its current results, it is also in charge of the collection and update of data about the graduate doctors of our programme.
It is constituted by members of the PDI (teaching and research staff) (one of them the person who coordinates the programme), a student and a member of the administration and service staff.
The Quality Committee (CCD) informs of their actions to the CAD, the Department Management, the Teaching Units, and in case of the assessment, the Department Council. It is also in contact, where appropriate or needed, with the Quality Unit of the University of Valencia.
The Quality Committee (CCD) must be informed of the problems and suggestions that arise, with the purpose of correcting possible deficiencies and improving the research and administrative management training stage of the doctoral programme.
The functions of this committee are, fundamentally, the self-assessment of the annual development of the programme by taking into account the results obtained regarding the following points (besides establishing the necessary improvements):
- Inscriptions of completed doctoral theses, geographic origin and internationalisation of the programme as regards the enrolled students, previous training of these students, lines of research to which they are assigned, etc.
- Percentage of defended doctoral theses, lines of research and index of defended theses, academic monitoring of doctors, etc.
- Monitoring of the publications derived from the doctoral theses and the quality signs of the research production of the new doctors.
- Study of the results of mobility of the doctoral students and balance of the mobility stays and the institutions that fund these stays.
- Monitoring of the relationships with other research centres, both in relation with mobility, and with other activities: combined publications, research projects, participation of professors in the theses committees, organisation of conferences, etc.
- To maintain the contact with the doctoral students by means of working meetings in order to know the improvable aspects of the programme regarding the annual experience.
- To monitor the participation and collaboration of doctoral students and doctors in research projects or research groups.
- The CCD will also deal with the presentation of suggestions for the best monitoring and resolution of complaints presented by the doctoral students of the programme by means of a complaint application.