Those students who do not have a sufficient technical or methodological basis in the field of research in languages, literatures, cultures and its applications should should study two compulsory modules of the University Master’s Degree in Languages and Literatures, of the UV, whose contents, learning outcomes, training activities and assessment systems are the following:
MODULE: Applied TIC to the research in languages and literatures (5 credits)
It involves a 5 credits ECTS module, whose aim is to develop a series of cross-disciplinary competencies, that seeks the training of students in some complementary competencies to those obtained in the other compulsory or optative subjects of the Master’s Degree that may be applied to any of them. Specifically, it focuses on the acquisition of competencies TIC, one of the central points in the researching training.
The contents which are tackled may be of necessary application in the modules
posteriorly taken.
As for these contents, aspects such as the following must be included:
- Computer applications to the research in languages and literatures
- Data bases management and search resources and bibliographic information.
- Digital edition and text format.
- Laboratory work: technological resources for the quantitative and qualitative research in philology.
Learning results
At the end of this module students must be able to:
- Using fluently the necessary computer applications for the research in languages and literatures.
- Managing databases and other resources which enable them to locate data and the necessary bibliography for their research.
- Being able to edit texts digitally, organising them in the most appropriate way in the field of research.
Training activities
Given the practical dimension, the teaching will be conducted in the computer classroom and in the laboratory. The training activities are divided into face-to-face activities (a 30% of student’s workload, that is, some 7,5 hours
out of the 25 we use to measure one ECTS) and distance activities ( a 70% of students’ workload).
the first include face-to-face teaching in the classroom (computer classroom and laboratory), which involves the general presentation of the technological resources, its functionality and its application area. These activities arise from the interaction among professor and students (exposure, demonstration, practice and means management, etc.)
Within the framework of these activities reduced tutorials are included in order to bring students closer to those resources that may respond to the field of their particular researching interests in the future.
Distance activities will include individual works or group works of TIC applications in the philological field, and they will follow the learning methodology of active work through the autonomous search and its application.
Assessment Systems
The module has an eminently practical dimension, consequently, the assessment will consist on the monitoring of training activities which create it and the capacity of response and initiative that acquires students throughout the course. Necessarily, these aspects will be subjected to an continuous assessment which will be complemented with the competition of a work in which students should put into practice their acquired knowledge and competencies in ICT skills applied to the area of philological research.
MODULE: Techniques and methodologies in research: contexts (10 credits)
It involves a 10-credits module. Its fundamental contents are based on the acquisition of techniques and methodologies which serve to contextualise the different objects of studies both in linguistic aspects and literary. The critical control points may include:
- Theoretical fundaments of Literary Studies.
- Theoretical fundaments of Linguistics
- Methodology of analysis of the discourse
- Cultural critic
- Literature and society
- Cultural studies
- Inter-cultural skills and linguistic mediation
- Postcolonial debates
- Field work techniques
- Archive work techniques
- Ethnographic approach
Learning outcomes
At the end of this module students must be able to:
- Applying the suitable methodologies to carry out an accurate scientific research in languages and literatures.
- Mastering the different techniques and analysis and interpretation methods of complex texts, both formal and conceptual, related to language and literature.
- Demonstrating the capability to locate, handle and synthesise specialised bibliographical information in different languages and literatures subjected to study, both in libraries and in paper record and virtual files.
- Demonstrating the correct use of tools, programmes and computer applications applied to the research in languages and literatures.
- Approaching to scientific accuracy texts and from different contextual perspectives.
Training activities
Training activities will be of two types:
The training activities are divided into face-to-face activities (a 20% of student’s workload, that is, some 6,5 hours out of the 25 we use to measure one ECTS) and distance activities ( a 70% of students’ workload). Such activities will consist on masterly theoretical lessons (1 hour per week), extensive or reduced workshops with debates or works presentation
(1,5 hours per week) and tutorials.
The development of these activities arises from the contents of the modules and comprises variables of contextual analysis at an advanced level from the perspective of Literary and Linguistic Studies. These are comprised from practices of corpus gathering techniques for future researches, texts analysis at an advanced level according to the different methods offered in these disciplines and with special emphasis in their comprehensive incorporation, commentaries with exercise critical aptitudes around gender-based or ethnic group discrimination, works which complement the
handling and assimilation of the recommended bibliography, practical cases which show the methodological of approach to texts, depending on their time and publication means, etc.
Distance activities: between a 80 and a 75% of students workload, that is, between 20 and 18,5 hours. Students should work self-dependently or in small groups in the search for bibliography, reading, preparation and elaboration of works, contents and activities revision seen in face-to-face lessons, as well as the carrying out of other activities in the same line of those previously proposed.
Assessment Systems
The assessment will consist on the monitoring of face-to-face teaching, of distance activites and of the self-dependently work carried out by students, in order to guarantee the acquisition of the established competencies.
The theoretical assimilation of contents as well as its methodological application will be equally valued, since it completes the acquisition of analytical an conceptual strategies and thus it is foreseen in the training activities and in the general objectives of this qualification. All these questions should be reflected, eventually, in a monographic about any of the aspects seen in relation to the module or in a critical analysis on them.