S'han impartit els següents seminaris interns:
17h February 2025 11:00 h. Abel Lucena Pimentel: "Exploring Complementarities in Innovation among Research, Development, and University Technology Transfers"
06 th February 2025, 15:45h. Taraneh Shahin: " Towards a new frontier in economics".
14 th January 2025 12:45h. Guillermo Esteban-Oliver: "Building a national market: Trnsport improvements and economic integration in 19th century Spain".
23th December 2024 12:45 h. Javier Miranda: "The Decline in Business Dynamism In Europe: The Role of Shocks, Market Power, and Technology"
28th October 2024 12:30 h. Silvio Esteve Pérez: "Firm-level export and import dynamics over the business cycle"
Universitat de València
24 th October 12:45h. Jordi Paniagua: "Do deep trade agreements' provisions actually increase - or decrease - trade and/or FDI?"
Universitat de València and Kellogg Institute (UND)
23 th September 12:30 h. Joel Stiebale: "Foreign direct investment, prices and productivity"
Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (Heinrich Heine University)
14 th June 12:30 h. Petra Krylova,Global Research Director at Social Progress Imperative. PhD candidate at the University of Valencia.
"The Measurement of Wellbeing: from social progress to women's leadership",
30th May 2024 12:30 h. Matthew Clance: "The Tails of Gravity: Using Expectiles to Quantify the Trade-Margins Effects of Economic Integrations Agreements"
SEMINAR 25th April 2024 13:00 h. Alejandro Muñoz: "Capital mobility, financial integration and cross-border assets allocations in the european Union"
21th march, Sergio Petralia: "Committing to Innovate: Decoding complementarity in Open sources Software"
5 th February, Víctor Gómez Blanco: "Top Earners and the Great Compression: New Estimates Based on Tax Records"
17 th January, Omar Blanco Arroyo: " Granular firms and aggregate fluctuations"
22th November, Alejandra Martínez Martínez: "Essays on international trade and cllimate change"
8th November, Guillermo Cabanillas Jiménez: "Consumption patterns of pensioners: Exploring differences between breadwinners and non-breadwinners"
27th September, Alejandra Martínez Martínez: "In search of factors explaining the impact of climate change on international trade”.
11th September, Eva Dziadula: "The Gendered Impact of In-State Tuition Policies on Undocumented Immigrants' College Enrolment Graduation, and Employment"
14 th June, Alejandra Martínez Martínez: "The impact of climate change on international trade: a gravity model estimation"
26 th May, David Castells Quintana: "Inequality and climate change: the (within-countries) distributional effects of global warning"
12th May, Apoorva Gupta: "Gains from Patent Protection-Evidence from India"
27th April, Dario Diodato: "A Simple Theory of Economic Development at the extensive Industry Margin"
28th March, Eduardo Morales: "Firm Export Dynamics in Interdependent Markets"
8th March, Chung-Ping (Albert) Loh: "International accreditation, linguistic proximity and trade in medical services"
14 th December, Timothy J. Kehoe: "Improving Applied General Equilibrium Models of Trade Liberalization with Better Elasticity"
2nd November, Nicola Rubino: "Evaluating the long-term impacts of economic or policy shocks among necessity and oppotunity entrepreneurs"
5th October, Daniel Bonvin: "Employment effects from digitalization: Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms"
3 rd October, Jana Hromcova: "Can Buying Weapons from Your Friends Make You Better Off? Evidence from NATO"
15 th July, Josep Martí Arnau: "Firms’ characteristics and their international location strategy: Micro-level evidence from European countries"
8th July Karen Davtyan: "Unconventional Monetary Policy and Economic Inequality"
20th June Miryam Martín Sánchez: "The Effect of Opportunistic Litigation on Strategic Alliance Formation"
3rd June Liliana Cuccu: "Just reallocated? Robots, displacement and job quality".
25th may Jean-Etienne de Bettignies: "When Less is More: Information and the Financing of Innovation"
13 th May López Rodriguez, Ángel L.: " Common Ownership and Technology Adoption"
8th April Rosa Sanchis-Guarner: "Home Broadband and Human Capital Formation"
25 th March Ismir Malulic: "Commuting, Children and the Gender Wage Gap"
21th March Ricard Gil: "The value of information in competitive markets: the impact of Big Data on small and medium enterprises"
1st December Andrés Cerezo, D.: "Storing Power: On the Importance of Market Structure"
Job Market
21st May 2021, Petrovic,Marko, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (CV), "Credit allocation and the financial crisis: evidence from Spanish companies"
14th May 2021, Boto García, David, Universidad de Oviedo, "Intra-household bargaining for a joint vacation"
30th April 2021, Celia Melguizo Cháfer, Catholic University of Valencia, "Minimum wages, youth employment and spatial spillovers: New evidence for Spain"
16 th April 2021,Julián Martínez Moya. Fundación Valenciaport "Do shippers’s characteristics influence port choice criteria? Capturing heterogeneity by using latent variable models"
Per a unir-se a la Sala virtual l'enllaç es https://zoom.us/j/6456145199
(ID de reunión: 645 614 5199) // Temps estimat 30 minuts // El PDI del Departament podrà fer preguntes després de la ponència.
21 th February 2020, Dr. Vassil Kirov, Centre PierreNaville, University of Evry (France) "How digitalizacion impacts employment: theoretical and policy challenges". Dicho Seminario está relacionado con los siguientes textos:
1. Introductory chapter of my last co-edited book: Meil, Pamela and Kirov, Vassil (Eds.) (2017): Policy Implications of Virtual Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
2. collective working paper, elaborated in the framework of my H2020 project BEYOND4.0
9th December 2019, Duo Qin, Economics Departament SOAS University of London "A Principled Approach to Assessing Missing-Wage induced Selection Bias"
26 th November 2019, Asier Minondo, Economics Departament, Deusto Business School – University of Deusto "Comments are Wellcome*"
7th November 2019, Camilo A. Mesa Salamanca, Univeridad de los Andes, Colombia "Cambio estructural y desigualdad"
7th November 2019, Ignacio De Angelis CEIPIL-CICBA-UNICEN / CONICET "Argentina y los desafíos de su inserción internacional"
28th October 2019, Petra Butler, Victoria University of Wellington. "A New Dispute Resolution Tool for Successful MSME Participation in Global Trade?"
19th September 2019, Aubry Amandine, UFR Université de Lille. "Should immigrants rely on their friends or their skills to find a job?"
29th May 2019, professor Ernest Miguelez, CNRS Research Fellow Université de Bordeaux. "High-skilled diasporas"
22nd March, Laclau Vigueral M. Department of Economics and Decision Sciences, HEC París: “Communication games on networks”
28th February 2019, professor Christos Constantatos of Macedonia University: “Green consumers and the choice between emission and output taxes”.
21th November Jorge Díaz Lanchas (Economist at the Joint Research Centre (Seville) of the European Commission): “TTIP or not TTIP? Explaining the incongruities between attitudes towards free trade and the TTIP among European public opinion”
29 th October Crespo, J. (Université de Toulouse): "Long-run technological convergence and divergence of American cities (1860–2010)”
17th October Andrew K. Rose (University of California, Berkeley): “Why Do Estimates of the EMU Effect On Trade Vary so Much?”
18th May Carlos Gómez González (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha): "Racial double standards? The case of expected performance and dismissals of head coaches in NBA"
10th May Mária Bohdalová (Comenius University, Slovakia): "The Impacts of Brexit on European Equity Markets effects"
2nd March Nicolay Zubanov (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany): "Olley and Pakes-style production function estimators with firm fixed effects".
1st December Amparo Nagore (LISER Luxemburg Institute of Socio-Economi Research) "Labour market decision of Self-employed after 65 years old in the Netherlands"
27th October Mafalda Gómez Vega (University of Valladolid) "Evaluación de la calidad en los repertorios musicales de las orquestas sinfónicas españolas"
12th June Fabio Pieri (University of Trento)."Performing Youth: DFid Young Managers Withstand the Great Recession?"
19th May Sanin, MªE (Université d´Evry Val d'Essonne & Ecole Polytechnique): "Optimal feed-in-tariffs for Household Photovoltaic"
9th May Owen, R. (University of Nantes): "Rethinking the Evolutionary Foundations of Economics and Finance"
5th May/ Martinez Granado, T. (Universidad del País Vasco): "Differences-in-differences estimation: empirical applications"
4th April / Vicente, Oscar (Warwick Business School): "The role of the crisis in the export and R&D adoption and their intensity"
31th March / Angori, G. (University of Perugia): "Lending technologies, banking relationships, and firms’ access to credit in Italy: the role of firm size"
18 Gener María Pérez Urdiales (INRA – Économie publique) “The Impact of environmental behavior on the efficiency in residential water consumption”
10 Març Asier Mariscal (Universitat d'Alacant) “How firms accumulate inputs: Evidence from import switching”
28 Abril Rubén Martínez Cárdenas (University of York) “Type Search and Choice: True and Adopted Type Mismatch and the Generation of Frames”
20 Maig Karen Davtyan (UB Economics) ” The Distributive Effects of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policies”
30 Enero José A. Clemente Almendros (analista financiero) The Effect of Taxes on the Debt Policy of Spanish Listed Companies”
20 Febrero Marta Suarez-Valera Macia (Dpt. Estructura Eco - UV ) “An analysis of the price escalation of non-linear water tariffs for domestic uses in Spain”
3 Marzo Redek Tjasa (University of Ljubljana) “Intangible capital in the Balkan region.”
31 Marzo Crt Kostevc (University of Ljubljana) “Ownership structure and firm export performance. Evidence from Slovenian microdata”
24 abril Kevin Fox (UNSW Business School, Australia) “The Contribution of Research and Innovation to Productivity”
29 abril Adriaan_Kalwij (University of Utrecht) “What do wages add to the health-employment nexus? Evidence from older European workers”
8 mayo JM Labeaga Zacona (UNED) "Envy and habits: panel data estimates of interdependent preferences"
22 mayo Mariam Camarero (UJI) “Trade openness and income: a tale of two regions”
29 mayo Jochem de Bresser (University of Groningen) "Retirement Behavior in the U.S. and Europe"
11 juny Amparo Nagore (Universitat de València) “Gender Differences in Unemployment Dynamics and Initial Wages over the Business Cycle”
5 de diciembre Laura Lopez Torres (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) "Measuring School demand in the presence of spatial dependence. A conditional approach"
14 de novembre Carlos J. Serrano (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "Patent collateral, investor commitment, and the market for venture lending"
9 de maig Francesco Venturini (Università deglis Studi di Perugia) "R&D policy and Schumpeterian Growth: Theory and Evidence"
14 de març Amparo Nagore García (Universitat de Valencia) "Unemployment Transitions to Stable and Unstable Jobs Before and During the Crisis"
28 de febrer Cesar_Alonso_Borrego (Universidad Carlos III - Madrid) “An empirical assessment of the impact of public research contracts on scientific productivity”
14 de febrero Margarita Villegas Sánchez (ESADE) “Quantifying Productivity Gains from Foreign investment”
11 gener Carlos Serrano: "Trading and Enforcing Patent Rights"
19 abril Kurt Hafner: “Technology Spillover and Economic Integration: Evidence from Integrating Countries”
26 abril George Mackerron: "Are You Happy While You Work? Economia de la felicidad)"
24 maig José García Quevedo: “R&D drivers and obstacles to innovation in the energy industry?”
31 de maig Javier López González “Supply-Chain Trade: A Portrait of Global Patterns and Several Testable Hypotheses”
1 de juliol de 2013 Marcelo Caffera “Complementarity of inspections and permits as leverages for capping emissions: experimental evidence”
11 d'Octubre Rosella Nicolini “Immigration and productivity: a Spanish tale”
12 de novembre Pol Antràs “Poultry in motion: a study of international trade finance practices”


19 de novembre Margarita Rubio (University of Nottingham) " “Macroprudential policy implementation in a heterogeneous monetary union”