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Taining Programmes, contests and other activities


Taining Programmes


The "Emprén" programme is the result of the collaboration of the Faculty of Economics with Lanzadera, the accelerator and incubator of companies.

It is aimed at the students that are completing their degree or that are studying a master's degree. The objective is to offer complementary training to what they have already learned in their degree so that they can be applied in their TFG/TFM (Undergraduate Degree Final Project /Master's Degree Final Project) which will necessarily be on creating companies.

The students selected to participate in the EMPRÉN Programme will attend 5 sessions of 3 hours of duration given by Lanzadera, which complement the subjects of Entrepreneurship offered by the Universitat de València, and their business projects will be considered to enter Lanzadera’s pre-incubation programmes.

A maximum of 20 students per edition will be selected.  In addition, the group could be completed with people attending UVEmprén Club with a project or entrepreneurial concern.
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MOTIVEM is a training programme implemented at the Universitat de València through the University-Business Foundation (ADEIT), whose objective is to support the effort of the teaching staff of the Universitat de València stimulating the creativity of the students and coordinating the development of team business ideas. In this programme, a creative tandem is created between teachers and students that promotes competences such as negotiation, ideas development and communication.

The participation is free with the financial support of the Valencian Government (Generalitat Valenciana) and “Obra Social La Caixa”. An academic council constituted by professors from the Universitat de València supports the dynamism of this initiative.

At the end of the programme, awards are given to the winning projects.

The Faculty of Economics collaborates with this initiative from its origin, both from the side of the participation of the teaching staff and in the coordination and dynamization of students.
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Aquest programa està dirigit a joves de 18 i 31 anys amb una idea de negoci innovadora.

This programme is aimed at young people aged 18 and 31 with an innovative business idea.

The selected projects of the Centre Explorer of the Universitat de València will receive free training and advice for a period of 5 months to transform their business idea into a business project.

Once the training and counseling process has finished, a person selected from each Centre Explorer will have the opportunity to travel to Silicon Valley to know first-hand the main international reference in innovation. In addition, the selected project may compete in the final of the Explorer Awards.

During the programme, the people selected will have a physical space to develop their idea and receive training from a network of more than 200 professional experts who will guide them, in a tutored way, in the realization of the most viable business plan for each project.
More information on the web Explorer or the following enllaç

The International Business Motivation Programme [PIMe3UV] is a programme for attracting talent and innovation training, aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and improving employability options for the students of the Universitat de València.

In the framework of the agreements of the Universitat de València with the College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley - Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET), the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Programmes summons and organizes a competition to select 12 students enrolled in a Official EHEA Undergraduate Degree, Official Master's Degree or Doctorate at the UV to participate in the international campus "Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Europe: To Berkeley Startup Bootcamp".

In the Bootcamp the awards will be given to the Best Entrepreneurial Project, Entrepreneurs Award, Best Innovation and Best Innovation Team.

B2 Level English is required.
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“Qui pot ser empresari” (Who can be an entrepreneur) organized by the Business Culture Chair of the Universitat de València, is a free 60 hour course whose main objective is to approach university students to the business world.
From November to May, training sessions and visits to companies are offered, whose main objective is to approach university students in the business world.  For this, it has the collaboration of some of the most representative entrepreneurs of the Valencian Community (Baleària, Air Nostrum, Zumex, Dulcesol, IVO, Stadler, S2 Grup, Consum, IVI, RNB, among others) that transmit the students their experiences as well as certain aspects about creation and business management.
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The Journey is the largest summer school in Europe on innovation and entrepreneurship applied to climate change and the Universitat de València is part of its organization since 2016.

 Every year, more than 3,000 students from all over the world with different profiles present their applications and a few more than 300 are selected to travel for 4 weeks in July or August around Europe, developing business ideas to combat the climate change.

 If you are interested in presenting yourself to The Journey, you must be a final year student of a Official EHEA Undergraduate Degree, Official Master’s Degree or Doctorate from the Universitat de València.

More information on the Journey website or the following link

El Catapult és una escola d'estiu per a alumnes de màster, doctorat o joves professionals de tot el món i de diferents àrees de coneixement.

Catapult is a summer school for Master's Degree students, PhD students or young professionals from all over the world and from different areas of knowledge.

Its objective is that the participants develop viable solutions against global warming, which can later be carried out through research projects, business projects or university-company collaborations.

Each Catapult focus on a specific topic that should be addressed. In 2018 and 2019, the Catapults organized by the Universitat de València have focused on studying the efficiency of short supply chains in agriculture. 

The Universitat de València organised a first edition in 2015, and continues to do so from 2017.

More information on the Catapult website or the following link

The Master’s Degree in Creation and Management of Innovative Companies began its career in the Faculty of Economics during the 2007-2008 academic year and is aimed at those who wish to create their own innovative company or become innovation managers.

The students of this Master’s Degree will become agents of innovation, will specialise in Competitive Intelligence and Business Development and will attend classes, workshops, visits to companies and sessions with experts from various disciplines.

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Within the Official Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance, students can choose to participate in Research + Cash Lab and carry out in their Master's Degree Final Project (TFM)  the economic evaluation of innovative projects and university patents, thus facilitating contact between entrepreneurs and investors.

Students who are entrepreneurs, but do not have a clear business idea, can know and monetize the results generated by researchers and value the idea of exploiting them through the creation of a company of their own.

Researchers who have untapped research results can monetize them and value the option that an entrepreneurial or investing group can bring to the market.

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The Chair of Excellence and Development in Entrepreneurship: from Student to Entrepreneur (DACSA), is a meeting point for entrepreneurs with business ideas that want to explore the possibilities of success of these.  Its mission is to promote entrepreneurial activity at the Universitat de València.

The Chair has a forum of entrepreneurs and guides students and graduates of the Universitat to carry out an entrepreneurial project through collaborators willing to train, help and share experiences. For the principles that form it, a guarantee of confidentiality and respect for the ideas and opinions of the promoters will be kept.

The Chair is funded with the support of the Grup Maicerías Espanyoles-Arròs DACSA. These data will be regulated by the LOPD in force at any time.

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The Chair of Corporate Culture, within the framework of the University Business Foundation ADEIT of the Universitat de València, aims to make the university and business world share knowledge and business culture.

To achieve this, it is now exploring new paths and goals and presents a new structure attending to his mission of promoting individual initiative based on attractive concepts.

The Chair is governed by a special Board of Trustees comprising companies, business entities and university professors who orient, design and participate actively in its activities.

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Motiva is a Latin American Thematic Network, on the creation of companies and entrepreneurship formed by people belonging to several universities, whose objective is "to unite and coordinate institutional efforts to promote the creation and development of companies, which contribute directly in the social welfare of the countries of the region".

The MOTIVA NETWORK emphasizes training schemes, in “learning - doing", considering that the training process is systematic and permanent, that is not only taught in the classroom, nor its use ends there. The way in how to learn and how to share new knowledge and continuously improve is being rethought every day. Finally, it formulates new options and strategies to encourage the formation of new entrepreneurs under the new paradigms of quality, productivity and competitiveness.

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For further information about entrepreneurship, please visit the following website: