43174 | Competition and intangible property | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43175 | Business contracts 1: general aspects and purchases and sales | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43176 | Business contracts 2: distribution, partnership and others | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43177 | Financial market. Banking and insurance | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43178 | Methods of payment and guarantees | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43179 | Individual employment contract | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43180 | Collective labour law | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43181 | Occupational health and safety | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43182 | Social security | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43183 | Administrative and legal supervision of labour rights | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43184 | Procedures for application of taxes | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43185 | Tax-related offences. Procedures of review | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43186 | Indirect taxation | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43187 | Direct taxation | 7.5 | Electives | Check info |
43188 | International taxation | 5 | Electives | Check info |
43189 | External internships | 20 | Electives | Check info |
43190 | Legal methodology | 10 | Electives | Check info |
43191 | Methods and sources of research | 10 | Electives | Check info |