On the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, 28 april, and in collaboration with Spanish association “Contra el Cáncer en Valencia” (AECCV), the Health and Safety for the Environment Service organizes the following health promotion activities next FRIDAY, 26 APRIL:
- 10:00 to 12:00. Information stands will be set up with information on support groups for smoking addiction and on warning signs of skin cancer. Those interested will be able to take a co-oximetry test (CO level) and, also, at the Blasco Ibañez stand, the sun factor screening test.
Burjassot Campus: campus cafeteria square
Tarongers Campus: M. Broseta square (next to the Aulari Nord)
Blasco Ibáñez Campus: Darwin square (Office of the Principal Building)
- PANEL DISCUSSION ON HEALTH, in the Assembly Hall of the Office of the Principal Building, with the following lectures:
10:00. “ACTIVE AND SAFE: PROMOTING WELL-BEING IN THE WORKPLACE”. Lirios Dueñas Moscardó, Associate Professor, Physiotherapy Dept.
The Universitat de València is compromised with its people’s health. These activities are the beginning of a collaboration with Spanish association “Contra el Cáncer en Valencia”.
We encourage you to participate!