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The role of psychological ownership in the relationship between Leader-member exchange and job satisfaction. Matic et al.

  • 8 de gener de 2018
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Nos complace anunciar que se ha publicado en la revista TPM Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology el siguiente artículo:

Matic, M., Mariani, M. G., Curcuruto, M., González-Navarro, P., & Zurriaga, R. (2017). The role of psychological ownership in the relationship between Leader-member exchange and job satisfaction. TPM. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology. ISSN 1972-6325 DOI: 10.4473/TPM24.4.6


The purpose of this research is to expand previous work in the field of psychological ownership (PO) by introducing a model where PO plays a mediator role between leader-member exchange (LMX) and job satisfaction. The data were collected in a furniture manufacturing company located in Italy. Sample size was 442 participants. Results showed a positive relationship between LMX and psychological ownership and between job satisfaction and psychological ownership in an organizational context. The results are stable with respect to various tenure levels, but different depending on the job position in the organization: for staff employees, PO has a fully mediating role, whereas for line employees, it is a partial mediator.

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