The director of the UV Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development was part of the closing ceremony of this conference.
On 6 and 7 October, the 1st International Conference on Curricular Sustainability and SDGs was held at the Botanical Garden of València with the aim of fostering sustainable learning in the university context: sustainability offers lecturers a new perspective to be introduced as a method of teaching that transforms values, and is committed to life and the planet.
The closing ceremony was attended by the Director of the Chair for Cooperation and Sustainable Development, María Alcantud-Díaz, who stressed the importance of bringing the Sustainable Development Goals to the nerve centre of education, which are the classrooms. Instead of trying to raise awareness from the top down, it should be the other way around, starting with small things in the classrooms and working our way up. This will be the only way to make our students acquire the commitment of leadership in change, in the sustainable development of this planet.