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V International Congress on Human Rights (3rd y 4th February 2022)

  • January 26th, 2022
books and computer

The congress "Human Rights and Education" organised by the Mainel foundation and based on the principle "Everyone has the right to education" of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

"Everyone has the right to education" are the opening words of Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Education is a universal human right and a common good that empowers people to achieve other rights, such as health, decent work and gender equality. According to forecasts by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), if all adults in the world completed secondary education, the number of people living in poverty could be reduced by more than 50%.

All international declarations and conventions on human rights insist on the insufficiency of normative instruments to ensure that human rights are effectively recognised in society. It is essential to create a culture of rights that involves not only public institutions but also all social agents and citizens. In order to promote this culture of rights, it is essential to carry out educational, training and promotional work, not only in schools, but in all areas of society.

The project we present here aims to contribute to this work through a conference and exhibition that will seek to raise public awareness of Human Rights and Education. Thus, we are based on a vision of education for global citizenship as a process that aims to generate a critical and transformative consciousness, that connects the local with the global, that takes into account the multiple identities that shape the human being, in which people recognise themselves as agents of change seeking social and climate justice.

From the Chair for Cooperaation and Sustainable Development we support and collaborate with this conference which directly addresses SDG 4 - Quality Education, as well as SDG 1 - End Poverty and SDG 3 - Health and Well-being and SDG 5 - Gender Equality because we firmly believe that education is the foundation from which we will achieve a better world.