Esteve-Altava B, Rasskin-Gutman D. 2013 Theoretical morphology of tetrapod skull networks. Comptes Rendus Palevol (in press) |
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Esteve-Altava B, Botella H, Marugán-Lobón J, Rasskin-Gutman D 2013. Grist for Riedl’s Mill: A Network Model Perspective on the Integration and Modularity of the Human Skull. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (in press). DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22524. |
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Esteve-Altava B, Botella H, Marugán-Lobón J, Rasskin-Gutman D 2013. Random Loss and Selective Fusion of Bones Originate Morphological Complexity Trends in Tetrapod Skull Networks. Evolutionary Biology (in press) |
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Esteve-Altava B, Botella H, Marugán-Lobón J, Rasskin-Gutman D 2013 Structural Constraints in the Evolution of the Skull: Williston’s Law Revisited. Evolutionary Biology 40, 209-219. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D, Elez J, Esteve-Altava B, López-Martínez N. 2013. Reconstruction of the internal structure of the pore system of a complex dinosaur eggshell (Megaloolithus siruguei). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 28 (1): 61-68. |
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Esteve-Altava B. Botella H, Marugán-Lobón J, Rasskin-Gutman D 2011 Network Models of Skeletal Systems. Journal of Anthropological Science, 89:175-84. |
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Esteve-Altava B, Rasskin-Gutman D. 2009. Tamaño y Complejidad:Generalizaciones Evolutivas del Cambio Morfológico. En: Hernán Dopazo, Arcadi Navarro (eds.) Adaptación y Evolución: 150 años después del Origen, pp 229-237. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D, Esteve-Altava B. 2009. Modeling Evo-Devo: Broken Hierarchies and Multiple Scales of Organization and Complexity. In: Robert M. Sinclair, Klaus M. Stiefel, (eds.) Multiscale Phenomena in Biology: Proceedings of the 2nd Okinawa Conference on Mathematics and Biology. AIP Conference Proceedings 1167: 43-56. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D. 2009. Conceptos y técnicas: cerrando el círculo de la ciencia en la biología teórica. Ludus Vitalis. XVII(31):241-245. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D. 2009. Molecular evo-devo, the path not taken by Pere Alberch. En: Pere Alberch. The creative trajectory of an evo-devo. Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Miquel De Renzi (editores). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia. Pp. 67-84. |
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Reiss JO, Burke AC, Archer C, De Renzi M, Dopazo H, Etxeberría A, Gale EA, Hinchliffe JR, Nuño de la Rosa Garcia L, Rose CS, Rasskin-Gutman D, Müller GB. 2008. Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo. Biological Theory 3(4):351–356. |
Rasskin-Gutman D. 2008. Nuevos horizontes de la biología teórica. Ludus vitalis. XVI(30):229-232. [Link:] Rasskin-Gutman D, Esteve-Altava B. 2008 The multiple directions of evolutionary change. BioEssays. (30)6:521-525. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D. 2007 The Power of Mathematical Modeling in Developmental Biology. Biological Theory 2-1: 108-111. |
Rasskin-Gutman D. 2007 The power of formalization and abstraction in evolutionary biology. BioEssays 29-10: 1068-1069. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D, Ibañes M, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC. 2007 Modeling developmental asymmetries. In: Manfred D, Laubichler, Gerd B. Müller (eds.) Modeling Biology. Structures, Behaviors, Evolution. MIT Press. Pp 143-164. |
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Ibañes M, Kawakami Y, Rasskin-Gutman D, Belmonte JC. 2006 Cell lineage transport: a mechanism for molecular gradient formation. Molecular Systems Biology. 2-56: 1-9. |
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Weninger WJ, Geyer SH, Mohun TJ, Rasskin-Gutman D, Matsui T, Ribeiro I, Costa L da F, Izpisua-Belmonte JC, Muller GB. 2006 High-resolution episcopic microscopy: a rapid technique for high detailed 3D analysis of gene activity in the context of tissue architecture and morphology. Anatomy and Embryology 211:213-221. |
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Costa da FL, Travencolo F, Azeredo A, Beletti ME, Müller GB, Rasskin-Gutman D, Sternik G, Ibañes M, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC. 2005 A Novel Field Approach to 3D Gene Expression Pattern Characterization.Applied Physics Letters. 86: 143901-143903. |
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Buceta J, Ibañes M, Rasskin-Gutman D, Okada Y, Hirokawa N, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC. 2005 Nodal cilia dynamics and the specification of the left/right axis in early vertebrate embryo development. Biophysics Journal. 89: 2199-2209. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D. 2005. Modularity: Jumping Forms inside Morphospace. In: Callebaut W, Rasskin-Gutman D (eds.) Modularity: Understanding the development and evolution of Complex Natural Systems. MIT Press. Pp 207-222. |
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Raya A, Kawakami Y, Rodríguez-Esteban C, Ibañes M, Rasskin-Gutman D, Rodríguez-León J, Büscher D, Feijó JA, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC. 2004. Notch activity acts as a sensor for extracellular calcium during vertebrate left-right determination. Nature Vol 427:121-128. |
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Rasskin-Gutman D, Izpisua-Belmonte JC. 2004 Theoretical Morphology of Left-Right Asymmetries. BioEssays, 26:405-412. |
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