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Internships in companies

Carrying out internships in business during the second semester


Personalised attention

The training of the students is the raison d’être of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finances


Afternoon timetable

The teaching of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finances is exclusively developed in the afternoon, which eases the harmonisation with working hours


Professional profile

The Master’s Degree on Corporate Finances is aimed at training professional in the field of business finance


Teaching in Spanish

High rate of employability

"I recommend MFC because it allows students to apply the knowledge acquired in renowned companies"

Madalina Jianu

Madalina Jianu | 25 june 2018

"The Master's Degree in Corporate Finance (MFC) has given me the opportunity to start my work experience at the leading toy company. I recommend MFC because it has committed teachers and because it is focused on the world of work and allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in renowned companies"

Master in Corporate Finance, UV

2017 Promotion