Programme code: 3108
Regulations: Royal Decree 99/2011
Knowledge branch: Sciences
Doctoral website:
Organised by:Faculty of Biological Sciences
Management Centre:Postgraduate School
Participating Universities:Universitat de València.- Estudi General
Programme Coordinator:Amparo Torreblanca
Places available for new students: 20 places
Aims: The doctoral programme aims to train specialized professionals in environmental pollution and in its effects on human beings, ecosystems and health. The doctoral studies guarantee the acquisition of the basic competences established in the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: systematic understanding of the field of study, and mastery of the research methods; ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adapt a substantial process of research or creation; ability to make critical and assessment analysis; synthesise new and complex ideas; ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about this field of knowledge; ability to promote, within academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advances in a knowledge-based society.
Description: A sample of the programme’s social importance can be reflected on the reports from the programme “European Environment and Health Strategy SCALE” (CE, 2003) which indicated that 20% of health problems in industrialized countries have an environmental origin, as a consequence of the increasing importance of social environments nowadays, considering that ecosystems, and the biodiversity that they support, have an intrinsic value. REACH regulations and the Water Framework Directive are examples of programmes within the European frame which manifest the need to train professionals specialized and capable of generating knowledge on environmental pollution as well as its effects on health and ecosystems and of applying such knowledge to their protection and that of the environment in general. Technics and methodologies used within this field have gone through a great progress in the last decade and comprise, from analytical chemistry advances which allow detection and determination of ‘emerging’ pollutants to the application of remote sensing in the study of soil and water’s characteristics. In other organisational levels, the techniques and methodologies-omics have allowed a ‘massive’ valuation of pollutants’ effects on organism from a biochemical point view. It is important to highlight that the inter/cross-disciplinary approach which environmental contamination requires and its effects makes it impossible to address it from only one field of knowledge.
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