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Personalized attention to each student's needs

Teachers and directive staff focus their attention on each student's individual needs and strenghs


Get the best education in the shortest period of time possible

Its optimized curriculum offers an ideal selection of content that allows students to complete their studies in less than 15 months


Practical and theoretical master's degree

It enables for the profession of Chemical Engineer and also allows its students to develop skills in the fields of innovation and research


Direct access to the Chemical Engineering PhD

The master's degree allows students to access a PhD awarded with the 'Mention Towards Excellence'


Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025

Are you looking for more training? Do you want to achieve greater professional expertise and stand out in the labour market? You can acheive all of this by studying one of the UV’s 110 Master's Degree Programmes offered for the next academic year. The application process will be open from 15...

Alumnes del Màster realitzen una visita a AIMPLAS el 5 de juny

Alumnes del Màster en Enginyeria Química han realitzat una visita tècnica per les instal·lacions de l'Institut Tecnològic del Plàstic (AIMPLAS) la mà de Serafín García Navarro i Susana Sanz, acompanyats pels nostres professors J.D. Badia i Óscar Gil (Director i responsable de transferència,...

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