As general entry requirement they should be contemplated in some of the presumptions
of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of
such Royal Decree.
An appropriate access profile is having taken the University Master’s Degree in
Tropical Parasite Illnesses by the UV-EG
or holding the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (DEA-
a tertiary education degree)- obtained according to the Royal Decree 778/98– or the Research Proficiency- according to the regulations of the Royal Decree 185/85, or having achieved
“Research Proficency’ as stated in the Royal Decree 185/85 always
in the field of Parasitology, and specially within the field of the Programmes
on ‘Human and Animal Parasitology’ of other Royal Decrees. In this case, the Academic
Committee of the Doctoral Studies Programme will directly apply
of the basic criteria for merit valuing, without the necessity of requiring specific
training complements.
Other profiles will also be accepted if different to the above
if they have taken University Master’s degrees
different to the ones specified above, and even different Doctoral
Programmes (with or without DEA or Research Proficiency but always
related to the Programme from which Verification is requested. As related studies
we could consider those which can be
included in the fields of human health (as for example tropical
illnesses, infectious illnesses, etc) and animal (as for example,
zoonoses, parasite illnesses, etc.).
In these cases, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will decide
on their admission and will assess the pertinence to develop one of the
appropriate training complements.