If there is something characterising the Official Master’s Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicaments it is the quality, heterogeneous nature and diversity of its teaching team. Students of this Master’s Degree count with the presence of distinguished professionals in the world of pharmacy, medicine, biochemistry and biology.
The Official Master’s Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicaments counts with doctors of prestigious Valencian hospitals like Enric Burés and Mercedes Jiménez (Hospital Clínico Valencia), Joaquín Rueda (University Hospital La Fe) and José Botella (Dr Moliner Hospital). Among the teaching staff we can also find researchers of this centres like Beatriz Ballester o Adela Serrano. Professors that give lessons and implement what they know every day, transmitting it to students. This posgraduate course counts with professors from different public and private entities of the Valencian Community but also with professionals of other provinces like Barcelona, Madrid or Málaga.
Fredeswinda Romero has worked as a specialist doctor in Rheumatology since December 1996 in the Ramón y Cajal Hospital of Madrid. Furthermore, she was a scholar of the FIS in the Lupus Research Unit of the London Hospital Sain Thomas between 1997 and 1998. Likewise, she enjoyed a scholarship in the Spanish Society of Rheumatology in 1999. From 2004, she has worked as a deputy doctor of Rheumatology of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation.
José Antonio González is a member of the Evaluation Committee of Medicaments of Human Use of the Spanish Agency of Medicaments of Malaga. Furthermore, he is a professor of Pharmacology in the University of Malaga (UMa).
This commitment for diversity and teaching quality is guaranteed by more than 50 professionals working each day to offer the best possible training for the students of this official Master’s Degree.