Strokes tend to accompany several language disorders such as aphasias, dysarthrias and dysgraphias. Speech therapists have an important role in the recovery of the communicative skills of those affected.
In after the stroke. Practical guide for the patient and his or her carers (SEN Study Group of the Cerebrovascular Diseases, 1997) “stroke” is defined as an “abrup brain cirulation disorder that modify the function of a brain area”. Usually we use terms such as “Cerebrovascular Accident”, “Brain Attack” and “Stroke” as synomyms.
The causes of an ictus can be a decrease in the brain blood flow (ischemic stroke) or a hemorrhage caused by the break of a brain vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Among the different types of strokes we can find:
- Thrombotic or atherotrombotic stroke. Ischemic stroke type. It has its origin in a blood clot (thrombus).
- Embolic stroke or cerebral embolism. Ischemic stroke type. It has its origin in a blood clot formed in the heart.
- Hemodynamic stroke. Less frequent among the ischemic ictus. The drop in the blood pressure is caused as a consecuence of a cardiac arrest or severe arrhythmia.
- Intracerebral stroke. It is the most frequent hemorrhagic ictus. The break of a cerebral artery spreads the blood among the brain tissue, putting pressing on it and damaging it.
- Subarachnoic stroke. It is an hemorrhagic ictus caused by an hemorrhage located in the surface of the brain and the inner part of the cranium.
Ictus have their origin in the lack of blood supply and hemorrhages
The origin of the ictus can be caused by personal, environmental and socialcircumstances, which are decisived since they act as risk factors. In general, it affects elderly people.
Main symptons:
- Lack of tension in the articulations or facial paralysis (hemiparesis/hemiplegia);
- Trouble communicating (dysarthria);
- Balance disorders;
- Loss of sight;
- Feeling of dizziness.
Communication Disorders
Patients that have suffered a stroke tend to present a clinical picture related to language disorders. For example:
- Aphasia. Loss of the language capacity.
- Dysarthria. Words articulation disorders.
- Mutism. Total or partial disability to communicating verbally.
- Dysgraphia. Loss of writting skills.
- Alexia. Loss of reading skills.
All these communicative disabilities creates difficulties in everyday activities. For example; watching television, listening to the radio o communicating with family and friends. As a consecuence, many of these communicative problems originate depressions. For this reason, speech therapists work is vital in the recovery of the communicative skills of those affected in order to help them to lead a normal life.