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Students of the Faculty of Infermeria and Podiatry participating in the winning project of the MOTIVEM awards

  • May 10th, 2018
Image de la noticia

The students Laura Compte Martínez (Degree in Podiatry) and Cynthia Díaz Dominguez (Degree in Nursing), together with Enric Dolz Andrés (Degree in Biology) and coordinated by Professor Ana María Ferri Caruana (Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences), have won the MOTIVEM 2018 Prize for the project ‘Gota a gota’

On the 3rd  May, the principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, presided over the diploma ceremony to those coordinator professors and finalist teams who have participated in MOTIVEM 2018, a training program led by the Vice-rectorate of Occupation and Training Programmes. At the meeting, representing the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry, Montserrat Alcahuz Griñán (Vice-Dean of Podology) was present.

A total of 151 teams competed in the 2018 competition, 15 of them were finalists. The Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry has been represented in 2.

  • Gota a Gota ( Motivem Award 2018)

The application for the promotion of blood donation through promotions and discounts on products and services of companies. (read more).

The students Laura Compte Martínez from the Degree in Podiatry and Cynthia Díaz Domínguez from the Degree in Nursing participated in this idea (2nd and 3rd from the right in the photo, respectively).

Entrega del premi MOTIVEM 2018
  •   Social Podiatric Foundation

Fundación, sin ánimo de lucro, que ofrece servicios de podología a aquellas personas en situación económica desfavorida.

           A non-profit foundation that offers podiatry services to those in a disadvantaged economic situation.

          Project in which they have participated, of the Degree in Podology, with the coordination of Ana Esplugues 

         Cebrián and the collaboration of José Vicente Visconti Gijón, both from the Nursing Department.     

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