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Date of appointment: 26 september 1988.

By proposal of: Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication.

Date of investiture: 12 may 1989.

Sponsor: Dr. Juan Oleza Simó and Dr. Evangelina Rodriguez Cuadros.

Biographical outline:

John Earl Varey (Blackburn Lancashire, August 26, 1922 - London, March 28, 1991). English Hispanist, he specialized in the classical theater of the Spanish Golden Age and the old Spanish theater of puppets and puppets. He also worked on critical editions of works by Benito Pérez Galdós such as: Doña Perfecta or Fortunata y Jacinta and Lope de Vega (Peribáñez) or Juan Vélez de Guevara (Jealousy makes stars). He is considered one of the great Hispanists of the 20th century.

His university studies were interrupted when joining the British Army during World War II, entering into service in a command of bombers of the Aviation of his Graceful Majesty.

After the contest and concluded their study, Varey would end up founding the Department of Spanish in the Westfield College of the University of London, reaching in 1984 the degree of director. He also founded, in 1963, Thames, an editorial dedicated to Hispanic studies. He was elected a member of the British Academy in 1985.

Selection of works:
• Cosmovision and scenography: the Spanish theater in the Golden Age, Madrid: Castalia, 1987
• Benito Pérez Galdós, Doña Perfecta; edition of J. E. Varey, London: Grant & Cutler Ltd. - Tamesis Books Ltd, 1971
• Lope de Vega, Peribañez and the Commandant of Ocaña edited with introduction and notes by J. M. Ruano and J. E. Varey (London: Tamesis, 1980)
• Juan Vélez de Guevara, Jealousy makes stars; edited by J. E. Varey and N. D. Shergold with an edition and study of music by Jack Sage; London: Tamesis Books, 1970
• Pedro Calderón de la Barca Comedies. Vol. XIX. Critical studies of Calderon's Comedies, edited by J. E. Varey, Westmead, Hants: Gregg International Publishers: Thames Books, 1973.
• N. D. Shergold and J. E. Varey, The Sacramental Orders in Madrid in the time of Calderón 1637-1681: study and documents; Madrid: Editions of History, Geography and Art, 1961
• Theaters and theatrical life in the golden age through documentary sources; edited by Luciano García Lorenzo and J. E. Varey; London: Tamesis Books Limited, 1991
• J. E. Varey and N. D. Shergold Theaters and comedies in Madrid, 1666-1687: study and documents, London: Tamesis Books Limited, 1975
• The puppets and other popular amusements of Madrid, 1758-1840: study and documents, London: Tamesis Books Limited, 1972
• J. E. Varey and Geoffrey Ribbans, Two novels by Galdós, Doña Perfecta and Fortunata and Jacinta: Guía Madrid: Castalia, 1988
• History of the puppets in Spain: From its origins to the mid-18th century Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1957