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This ongoing initiative encouraging relationship -begun the last year with the first edition of Winter University of Ontinyent- between the Universitat de València and the capital of la Vall d’Albaida, by offering training that complements grades already taught in the extension of Ontinyent belonging to the UVEG.


The lectures of this second Winter University of Ontinyent will focus, first, on Monday and Tuesday in the area of ​​Education and various types of teaching resources from the point of view of the Environmental Sciences, Sociology, Geography and botanically applied to the territorial framework of the Vall d'Albaida and central regions. Moreover, on Thursday, the conference will address the area of ​​economics, namely the crisis and the bailout applied to Spanish territorial framework and by extension across the Euro zone.


Furthermore, with this second Universitat d'Ontinyent, the Vice-Principal for Participation and Territorial Projection aims to promote the presence and involvement of the Universitat de València in their regions of influence and transfer training, research and knowledge beyond university classrooms, in a Winter University free and open to the public of Ontinyent and la Vall d’Albaida.



Monday, 26 November 2012


09:15 h.

Event presentation

  • Enric Sigalat Signes. Adjunct lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
09:30 h. Conference: "Els itineraris didàctics ambientals" (Environmental teaching pathways).
Ascensió Carratalá Beguer. Adjunct lecturer in the Department of Experimental and Social Sciences Teaching.
11:30 h. Conference: "Dimensions sociològiques i territorials a les comarques centrals valencianes" (Sociologic and territorial extent at central Valencian regions)
Pau Caparrós i Gironés. Adjunct lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
09:15 h.

Event presentation

Joan Carles Membrado Tena. Head of initiatives of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Participation and Territorial Projection.
09:30 h. Conference: "“El mapa com a recurs didàctic: La Vall d’Albaida” (The map as a teaching resource: La Vall d’Albaida).
Joan Carles Membrado Tena. Trainee lecturer in the Department of Geography.
11:30 h. Conference: “La botànica com a recurs didàctic: La Vall d’Albaida” (Botany as a teaching resource: La Vall d’Albaida).
Gonzalo Mateo Sanz. Tenured lecturer in the Department of Botany.
Thursday, 29 November 2012


10:00 h. Event presentation
José Pla Barber. Full University Professor in the Juan José Renau Piqueras Department of Business Management.
10:15 h. Conference: "Els sistemes de rescat financer: el banc dolent” (Bailout systems: the bad bank).
Aurelio Martínez Esteve. Full University Professor in the Department of Economic Structure.
12:00 h. Conference: “L’economia espanyola en l’actual context internacional: més dubtes que certituds” (Spanish economy in the current international context: more doubts than certainties)
Vicente Pallardó López. Tenured lecturer in the Department of Economic Structure.
16:00 h. Conference: “La banca espanyola després del rescat europeu” (Spanish banking after the European bailout).
Joaquín Maudos Villaroya Full university professor in the Department of Economic Analysis and researcher in the IVIE.
17:45 h. Conference: “El desestalvi públic a Espanya” (Public dissaving in Spain).
José E. Boscá Mares. Tenured lecturer in the Department Economic Analysis.


Date: From 26 de november de 2012 to 29 de november de 2012.

Place Centre Cultural de Caixa Ontinyent
C/ Gomis, 3, 46870 Ontinyent.

Organized by Universitat de València - Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation.

Collaborates Town Council of Ontinyent, Caixa Ontinyent, Ontinyent Campus Foundation.
