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  • CG1: Talk well in public.
  • CG2: Be familiar with the objectives, curriculum content and assessment criteria of pre-primary education.
  • CG3: Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood from a global perspective that integrates the cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.
  • CG4: Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity taking account of the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • CG5: Promote coexistence in and out of the classroom and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Be able to observe learning and coexistence contexts consistently and to reflect on them.
  • CG6: Reflect as a group on the acceptance of rules and respect for others. Promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each student as factors in the education of emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
  • CG7: Understand the evolution of language in early childhood and be able to identify possible dysfunctions and to watch over its proper development. Deal effectively with situations of language learning in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Express oneself orally and in writing and master the use of different expression techniques.
  • CG8: Understand the educational implications of information and communication technologies and, in particular, of television in early childhood.
  • CG9: Know the basics of children's diet and hygiene. Know the fundamentals of early care and the bases and developments that allow us to understand the psychological, learning and personality-building processes in early childhood.
  • CG10: Be familiar with the organisation of pre-primary schools and the diversity of actions involved in their management. Assume that teaching must be perfected and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
  • CG11: Act as a parent's counsellor in relation to family education in the period 0-6 and master the social skills to deal with and relate to each student's family and to families as a whole.
  • CG12: Reflect on classroom practices in order to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning and promote it in students.
  • CG13: Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental competences that affect pre-primary schools and their professionals. Be aware of quality improvement models that can be applied to schools.
  • CG14: Express oneself orally and in writing correctly and appropriately in the official languages of the autonomous region.
  • CG15: Use information and communication technologies effectively as usual working tools.
  • CG16: Analyse critically the most relevant issues in today's society that affect family and school education: social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and of screens; changes in gender and inter-gender relations; multiculturalism and interculturalism; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development. Also, carry out educational actions aimed at preparing active and democratic citizens, committed to equality, especially between men and women.
  • CG17: Promote cooperative work and individual work and effort.
  • CG18: Assume that teaching must be perfected and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
  • CG19: Know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
  • CG20: Recognise the identity of each educational stage and their cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social and affective characteristics.
  • CG21: Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning classroom activities in multicultural and co-educational contexts.
  • CG22: Know how to work as a team with other professionals within and outside the school to attend to each student, to plan the learning sequences and to organise work in the classroom and in the play space.
  • CG23: Know and apply basic educational research methodologies and techniques and be able to design innovation projects identifying evaluation indicators.
  • CG24: Understand that systematic observation is a basic tool that can be used to reflect on practice and reality, and to contribute to innovation and improvement in education.
  • CG25: Identify and plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with different abilities and different learning rates, and acquire resources to favour their integration.