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Dissertation with an exchange programme

To be able of doing the dissertation the student must be enrolled in all the subjects left to finish the Degree.


- The TFG or Dissertation only can be done in case of ERASMUS and SICUE, whenever the receiving institution allows it (we recommend contacting them previously) and it satisfies the requirements for the Degree in Psychology.

- The TFG is not allowed at the International Programme.

Speech Therapy

- The TFG only can be done in case of SICUE, whenever the receiving institution allows it (we recommend contacting them previously) and it satisfies the requirements for the Degree in Speech Therapy.

- The TFG is not allowed at the International Programme nor in ERASMUS.


Placements with an exchange programe

Curricular placements (subject of the Degree)

They must always meet the required characteristics, both in the Degree in Psychology and in the Degree of Speech Therapy.

There are several options for this type of practice:

1. SICUE – it is allowed to make placements under the SICUE programme whenever is permitted by the host university.

2. International Programme – it is forbidden.

3. ERASMUS Studies – it is only allowed in the Degree in Psychology and at certain universities (check with the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy)

4. ERASMUS Placement Type A – in this case the student is responsible for searching the institution where to do the practices. In addition, they must be approved by the practices’ commission of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy. Select the program from the menu on the left for more information.


Extracurricular placements

The students of the Degree in Psychology and the Degree of Speech Therapy can benefit of the Erasmus Placement Programme Type B, which allows doing practices in Europe during the immediately subsequent academic year to the end of their Degree.

In this case, as in type A, the student should seek a center where to do the placement. You can access to the detailed information of the program using the menu on the left.