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Professor Adrián Todolí, member of the National Productivity Council, an advisory body to the Spanish Government

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 10th, 2025
Adrián Todolí

Adrián Todolí, professor in the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the University of Valencia, has been appointed member of the National Productivity Council. This advisory body to the Government of Spain is composed of seventeen professionals from all over Spain with recognised experience and expertise in the field. This newly created organisation, under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, follows international best practices and strengthens the procedure for adopting public policies.

“The creation of the National Productivity Council, a body that has existed for years in other neighbouring countries, represents a great opportunity to propose and implement necessary public policies in our country to improve productivity, which is a key factor in improving the material living conditions in any state. The Council will allow us to extract best practices for the government to implement. Furthermore, issues such as the equitable redistribution of productivity gains among all citizens will be another important issue for the Council to address”, highlighted Adrián Todolí, author of books such as Labour Law and Economic Policy: How Employment Rights Improve the Economy and Algoritmos productivos y extractivos. Cómo regular la digitalización para mejorar el empleo e incentivar la innovación (Productive and extractive algorithms. How to regulate digitisation to improve employment and encourage innovation).

The Productivity Council's functions include conducting economic and statistical analyses and issuing public opinions aimed at evaluating and diagnosing the productivity and competitiveness of the Spanish economy and its distribution, as well as the public policies with an impact on these areas. Among its first tasks is to analyse the opportunities that artificial intelligence offers to businesses.

The Productivity Council recently held its first meeting. It is chaired by Juan Francisco Jimeno, who has been working at the Bank of Spain since 2004, while Jorge Uxó, a doctor in Economics and professor of Applied Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid, is serving as vice-president. In addition to Todolí, some of the fifteen members include Ana Ursúa Lasheras, director of the Navarra Industry Association, a national reference technology centre in industrial fields such as surfaces, energy and digital technologies, and Nuria Oliver, a doctor in artificial intelligence from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and director of ELLIS Alicante, a Spanish research centre specialising in artificial intelligence.