. I graduated with honours in Biology from the University of Valencia (UV, Spain) in 2012, obtaining the 'Mention to Academic Excellence'. I did a Master in Palaeontology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) in 2013, obtaining honorific qualification in my final research project. I obtained my doctorate from the UV in 2019 funded by the Spanish system within the FPU research program. My doctorate thesis was awarded with the Cum Laude score and got the International Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Award (within both university and autonomic annual calls for outstanding Ph.D. thesis). In June 2019, I was incorporated as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Bristol (UoB, UK) within the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship program funded by the European Commission (until June 2021). After this, I got three postdoctoral fellowships, Juan de la Cierva Formacion, Maria Zambrano (I declined both), APOSTD Generalitat Valenciana (2021-2023) and Ramon y Cajal (2023-2028). During my Ph.D. studies, I already demonstrated autonomy and leadership ability as proven by the publication of papers as single and as corresponding author. I did several research stays in international institutions, including close to five months at the Queensland Museum (Australia), three at the Uppsala University (Sweden), three at the UoB (UK) and one at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (Germany) (all of them funded either by the FPU program or the European commission within competitive calls). Moreover, I visited many other international institutions during shorter periods of time. As a postdoc, I have performed a two-year stay at the UoB (2019-2021), within one of the most prestigious teams of palaeobiologists and one of the most cited researchers in the world. Recently (November 2021), I returned to the Spanish system of science at the University of Malaga, where I developed my own lines of research contracted by the UV with an APOSTD fellowship for postdoctoral stays. From January 2023, I am Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow at the University of Valencia..
. Track record: My career achievements include 111 scientific contributions, including: 35 papers in SCI journals (+ 3 in revision, among them, one in National Science Review, IF: National Science Review) (e.g., Naturem, Curr. Biol., Comm. Biol., Proc. B, Sci. Rep., Biol. Lett., PLoS one, Palaeontology), 20 (57%) in Q1 journals, 17 (49%) as first author, and 19 (54%) as corresponding author; 69 abstracts to both Spanish and International meetings; 5 edited books; 1 authored popular book and 1 popular article. My work has received 217 citations (in exponential increase) with an h-index of 9. My work has been covered by Spanish and international media such as BBC, Nature Research Highlights, Science Mag, etc. Awards: The excellence of my research has been awarded by several international institutions (e.g., Stensiö Award, 2020; Taylor & Francis Award for Best Student Article in the J. Vert. Paleo., 2020; Paleonturology: 16th International Award in Palaeontological Research, 2018). Research projects: I have attracted funding for Research and Innovation projects as Principal Investigator from Spanish bodies (e.g. Leonardo BBVA) (Total funds: 54,000¿) and by the European Commission (one SHYNTHESYS project and one Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship of 212,933.76¿). I have also been member of the research group in other four national and two international projects (Total funds: >230,000¿). Student supervision: I have co-tutored/supervised eight bachelor and two MSci projects and I am current co-supervising two MSci ad two Ph.D. students. Other merits include: associated editor of the Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, organization of seven international meetings, speaker at seven invited talks (x3 Spain, Argentina, x2 UK and Canada), teacher in a course of geometric morphometrics (Autonomous University of Mexico), referee for different journals (Nat. Comm., Comm. Biol., Proc. B, Met. Ecol. Evol., Sci. Rep., Evolution, Palaeontology, etc.), R&D management activities (member of the council and governing board in the Department of Geology, Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology and Faculty of Biology from the UV for 4 years) and teaching in bachelors and MSci at the UV and UoB (150 hours), involvement in many popular-science activities, and specialized training with about 35 courses (~650 hours) on geometric morphometrics, programming languages (Python and R), machine learning, macroevolutionary analyses, Finite Element Analysis, 3D modelling, etc..