foto Javier Angel Andres Domingo
PDI-Emerit/a Universitat
Departamento: Análisis Económico
(9638) 28260

Javier Andrés is Professor of Economics at the University of Valencia since 1991 and holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the London School of Economics where he has also been a visiting researcher at the Centre for Economic Performance. He has published numerous papers in scholarly journals and books. His research interests include economic growth and the labor market, fiscal and monetary policies, and the effect of financial frictions on the business cycle and macroeconomic stability. He currently studies the process of macroeconomic adjustment after the financial crisis in economies with high private and public debt and heterogeneous households and firms, as well as the economic and welfare effects of the digital revolution. 

Javier is research consultant on macroeconomic modeling for the Banco de España, member of the Advisory Board of AIReF (Autoridad Independiente de Responsabilidad Fiscal) and Fellow of the Spanish Economic Association. He has been managing editor of Moneda y Crédito, co-editor of the Blog Nada es Gratis, member of the board of several scientific journals and was the head of the Spanish National Research Program in Economics from 2000 to 2003. He has recently coauthored (with Rafael Domenech) two books: En busca de la prosperidad (2015, Deusto, Planeta) and La era de la disrupción digital (2020, Deusto, Planeta).


Selected publications

“Inflation and optimal monetary policy in a model with firm heterogeneity and Bertrand competition”, European Economic Review, Vol. 103, pages 18-38 (with P. Burriel).

“Structural reforms in a debt overhang”, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 88, pages 15-34 (with O. Arce and C. Thomas).

“Banking competition, collateral constraints and optimal monetary policy”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 45, pages 87-125 (with O. Arce and C. Thomas).

“Banking competition, housing prices and macroeconomic stability”, The Economic Journal, Vol. 122, 2012, 1346-1372 (with Oscar Arce).

“Money in an Estimated Business Cycle Model of the Euro Area”, The Economic Journal, 2006, Vol. 116, pages 457-477 (with J.D. López-Salido and J. Vallés)