Patricia Correa; Juan Rodríguez-Teruel (2023). Do political parties and youth wings shape young political elites' ambition differently? Insights from Spain. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference Prague, 4-8 September . Praga . REPÚBLICA CHECA
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel; José Real Dato (2023). Connecting the Cabinet with the Private: Ministers' Agendas and Interest Groups Linkage in Spain. (Ponencia invitada). IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Buenos Aires, 15-19 July . Buenos Aires . ARGENTINA
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel; Oscar Barberà (2023). Deliberation, Plebiscitarianism and Representation: the trilemma of party democratic innovations. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Session, Toulouse, 24-28 April . Toulouse . FRANCIA
Mélany Barragán; Iván Medina; Juan Rodríguez-Teruel (2023). El diseño de materiales audiovisuales en asignaturas de nueva implementación: la experiencia de Universidad, Investigación y Política. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the International Workshop 'Technocratic attitudes, technocratic government and support for experts in Europe', Bruxelles, 3-4, May En libro de actas: IX Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Valencia, 13 - 14 de julio de 2023. Doi: . Valencia . ESPAÑA
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel; Fernando Casal Bértoa (2022). Technocratic Ministers and the Quality of Democracy in European Democracies. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the International Workshop 'Technocratic attitudes, technocratic government and support for experts in Europe', Bruxelles, 3-4, May . Bruselas . BÉLGICA
Patricia Correa; Juan Rodríguez-Teruel (2022). Polarised militants: mobilizing party activism in European countries. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference Innsbruck, 22-26 August . Innsbruck . AUSTRIA
Juan Rodríguez Teruel; Fernando Casal Bértoa (2022). Non-Partisan Ministers in European Cabinets 1848-2020. (Ponencia). Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política, AECPA . Girona . ESPAÑA
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel (2022). Technocracy or prime ministerial political weakness? Appointing non-partisan ministers in Spain. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, 15-18 September . Montréal . CANADÁ
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel; Fernando Casal Bértoa (2022). Technocratic Ministers and the Quality of Democracy in European Democracies. (Ponencia). Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference Innsbruck, 22-26 August . Innsbruck . AUSTRIA
Rodríguez-Teruel, J., Correa, P. y Barberà, O. (2021). Party Membership And Political Activism During The Great Recession In Europe : Patterns And Differences. (Ponencia). European Consortium for Political Research Online Joint Sessions, 17-28 May 2021 . REINO UNIDO