foto Maria Concepcion Feo Valero
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Secretari/a d' Institut Universitari
Área de conocimiento: ESTRUCTURA ECONOMICA
Departamento: Estructura Económica
(9616) 25427

Dr. María Feo Valero is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics II (Estructura Econòmica), University of Valencia. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics by the University of Valencia. Most of her professional activity has focused on research in the area of transport economics: initially at the Valenciaport Foundation as R&D project manager (2004-2012) and then as assistant professor at the University Jaume I of Castellón (2012-2016) and, since 2016, as associate professor at the University of Valencia and Associate Researcher of the Institute of International Economics (IEI). Within the area of transport economics her work has focused on the modelling of the freight transport demand and the analysis of its determinants through advanced discrete choice models and stated preference techniques. She has collaborated in competitive national research projects and international projects and her work has been published in international journals of the area.

Five selected/recent publications:

  1. ARTICLE: Feo-Valero, M., Martínez-Moya, J. 2022. Shippers vs. freight forwarders: Do they differ in their port choice decisions? Evidence from the Spanish ceramic tile industry. Research in Transportation Economics 95.
  2. ARTICLE: Vega, A., Feo-Valero, M., Espino, R. 2021. Understanding maritime transport route choice among Irish exporters: A latent class approach. Research in Transportation Economics 90.
  3. ARTICLE: Martínez-Moya, J., Feo-Valero, M. 2020. Measuring foreland container port connectivity disaggregated by destination markets: An index for Short Sea Shipping services in Spanish ports. Journal of Transport Geography 89.
  4. ARTICLE: Vega, A., Feo-Valero, M., Espino, R. 2018. The potential impact of Brexit on Ireland’s demand for shipping services to continental Europe. Transport Policy 71, 1-13.
  5. BOOK CHAPTER: Feo-Valero, M., Vega, A., Vázquez-Paja, B. 2021. The Value of Time in Freight Transport. In: Vickerman, Roger (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation. vol. 3, pp. 236-241. UK: Elsevier Ltd.
Asignaturas impartidas y modalidades docentes
01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 11:00 a 14:00 null
Participa en el programa de tutorías electrónicas de la Universitat de València