UVCulturaExtensió UniversitàriaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Documentation the teaching staff receives from the University Extension Service:

  • Minutes of the course
  • Certificate for students and teaching staff

Documentation the teaching staff must submit to the University Extension Service:

  • Student’s attendance list.
  • Minutes duly signed in all pages.
  • Check student’s attendance with the attendance list. In the case of non-attendance, the word “NO” must be written in the minutes before the “PASS”.
  • The certificates not distributed to the students. The certificates of the students without assistance can be destroyed.
  • In the event that any student has attended to the course but he/she does not appear in the minutes, the professor has to add it by hand at the end of the minutes and tell the student to go to the University Extension Service with the payment receipt of the course.

In case of any doubt, you should contact the University Extension Service on the phone number 96 398 38 00.

E-mail: cursosextensio@uv.es