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  • Sivas: A system for simulating graphic driving situations in the context of teaching road safety

    Valero-Mora, P.; García, R.; Bayarri, S.; Montoro, L.

    (1999). Acta congrés

    Assises Européennes de Psychologie Appliquée aux Transports (AEPSAT). Angers (Francia).

  • Recogida y gestión de datos de respuesta en bancos de items: Análisis de un Sistema Informático

    Molina, G.; Sanmartín, J.; Pareja, I.

    (1998). Article

    RELIEVE: Revista ELectrónica de Investigación y EValuación Educativa.

    Los bancos de items desempeñan un papel básico en el contexto de los tests adaptativos informatizados, pues éstos constituyen el substrato a partir del que alimentar el desarrollo de este tipo de tests. Ahora bien, la construcción de un banco de items representa un considerable esfuerzo, al que se suma una manifiesta ausencia de recursos informáticos que den soporte al mismo de un modo integral. Cubrir este vacío informático constituye el objetivo de un proyecto más amplio en el que queda enmarcada la aportación de este trabajo, el cual se ha centrado en las tareas asociadas a la recogida y gestión de los datos empíricos de respuesta a los items que integren el banco....

    Los bancos de items desempeñan un papel básico en el contexto de los tests adaptativos informatizados, pues éstos constituyen el substrato a partir del que alimentar el desarrollo de este tipo de tests. Ahora bien, la construcción de un banco de items representa un considerable esfuerzo, al que se suma una manifiesta ausencia de recursos informáticos que den soporte al mismo de un modo integral. Cubrir este vacío informático constituye el objetivo de un proyecto más amplio en el que queda enmarcada la aportación de este trabajo, el cual se ha centrado en las tareas asociadas a la recogida y gestión de los datos empíricos de respuesta a los items que integren el banco.
    Item banks play a basic role as the base to build computerized adaptive tests but, in practice, the development of item banks suppose an important effort and no much support of software exists for this task. This paper is centered on the item response data collection and management involved in the work with item banks, as part of the analysis of a computer program oriented to support the development of item banks.

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    Vol. 4, Num. 2. D.L. SE-1138-94. {AR_020178}

    ISSN: 1134-4032
  • Modelado de Carreteras para Simulación de Conducción

    Bayarri, S.; Pareja, I.; Coma, I., Fernández, M.

    (1998). Acta congrés

    8º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica. Coimbra.

    Los autores presentan una extensión de anteriores herramientas de modelado de bases de datos para simulación de conducción, incluyendo las especificaciones del trazado real de carreteras basadas en información independiente para la planta, el alzado y el perfil. Se explica la representación de esta información en una estructura de datos adecuada, la generación de tiras poligonales y la organización de esta información en una estructura jerárquica com patible con la visualización en tiempo real. Se discute igualmente, cuál puede ser el interfaz de edición adecuado para manipular interactivamente estos diseños por medio de puntos de control. El sistema de generación de...

    Los autores presentan una extensión de anteriores herramientas de modelado de bases de datos para simulación de conducción, incluyendo las especificaciones del trazado real de carreteras basadas en información independiente para la planta, el alzado y el perfil. Se explica la representación de esta información en una estructura de datos adecuada, la generación de tiras poligonales y la organización de esta información en una estructura jerárquica com patible con la visualización en tiempo real. Se discute igualmente, cuál puede ser el interfaz de edición adecuado para manipular interactivamente estos diseños por medio de puntos de control. El sistema de generación de estructuras visuales ha sido utilizado para crear los escenarios tridimensionales de varias aplicaciones de simulación de conducción.

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  • An Instructional Aid System for Driving Schools Based on Visual Simulation

    Bayarri, S; García-Ros, R; Valero-Mora, P; Pareja, I; Fernández, M; Coma, I.

    (1998). Acta congrés

    International Training Equipment Conference ITEC '98. Lausanne, Suiza.

    The recent development of lower cost 3D graphics systems has led to a rising interest in the use of visual simulation techniques for driver education, training and evaluation. So far, the most common approach has been to develop an active driving environment, in which the student, trainee or tested subject is able to drive him/herself through a set of driving situations. These ‘driving simulators’ may be useful to introduce or check practical driving skills. However, they have some limitations, especially when they are seen from the point of view of small driving schools and other possible applications like traffic education in primary or secondary schools. The major problem...

    The recent development of lower cost 3D graphics systems has led to a rising interest in the use of visual simulation techniques for driver education, training and evaluation. So far, the most common approach has been to develop an active driving environment, in which the student, trainee or tested subject is able to drive him/herself through a set of driving situations. These ‘driving simulators’ may be useful to introduce or check practical driving skills. However, they have some limitations, especially when they are seen from the point of view of small driving schools and other possible applications like traffic education in primary or secondary schools. The major problem with driving simulators is related to their cost, still too high for most schools. A second question that still needs some answers refers to the validity and utility of the knowledge acquired by using these simulators and its relation to the skills required in a real driving task. A different approach to the use of visual simulation in driving education contexts, that does not exclude the former one, is described in this paper. SIVAS (‘system for driver education based on visual simulation’) is a set of computer programs that allow the designers to create the three-dimensional scenery and dynamics of typical driving situations, and the driving school teacher to use these situations as a flexible, interactive and powerful tool for teaching. The system extends the features of existing audiovisual teaching mate rials such as videotapes, slides and multimedia programs. The teacher’s program uses inexpensive equipment; a personal computer and a television screen.

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  • An integrated interface to design driving simulation scenarios

    Bayarri, S.; Fernández, M.; Pareja, I.; Coma, I.

    (1997). Acta congrés

    DSC 97. Driving Simulation Conference. Lyon.

    The authors present the latest developments made at the INTRAS-LISITT driving simulation facility to integrate in a common platform the design tools, data formats and run-time processes required to manage the correlated layers of conventional simulation databases together with a scenario control system. These developments have been focused on the following aims: a) To integrate in a single tool the edition of the visual database, the logical structure of the network containing complex intersections, and accurate ground surface information, b) To develop friendly graphic interface function for designing the geometry of highways following engineering standards and...

    The authors present the latest developments made at the INTRAS-LISITT driving simulation facility to integrate in a common platform the design tools, data formats and run-time processes required to manage the correlated layers of conventional simulation databases together with a scenario control system. These developments have been focused on the following aims: a) To integrate in a single tool the edition of the visual database, the logical structure of the network containing complex intersections, and accurate ground surface information, b) To develop friendly graphic interface function for designing the geometry of highways following engineering standards and automatically supporting design constraints; and c) To define a modular traffic simulation architecture able to support different behavior models. Examples of application are described.

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    Ediciones TEKNEA 1997

    ISBN: 2-87717-063-2