Xavier Gómez i Font Awards for TFG and TFM in Catalan and English

Premis Xavier Gómez i Font a TFG i TFM en valencià i anglès

Schedule: From 28 may 2019 to 15 october 2019. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday at 00:00 to 23:59.


Place: Language Policy Service, del Serpis Street, 29, Beatriu Civera Building


If you have carried out your Degree Final Project (TFG) or Master’s Degree Final Project Guide (TFM) in Catalan or English, you can participate in the Xavier Gómez i Font awards to linguistic quality of the TFG and TFM. These awards aim to promote an adequate use of Catalan and English in the academic works of students, the use of Catalan in academia and stimulating the use of English as a tool for the internacionalization of the Universitat.

The period to present the works is open until 15th October 2019. More information and application under www.spluv.es/premisgomezfont.

Organized by:

Language Policy Service of the Universitat de València.



Contact: spl@uv.es

More information: