Total success for the UV at the CADU team finals

The teams of the Universitat de València were declared champions in 12 of the 14 sporting events.

14 de march de 2024

On Tuesday 12th March, the finals of the Regional Championship of University Sports of the Valencian Community took place in which university athletes competed in 8 team sports. The competitions in basketball, handball, volleyball, indoor football, 11-a-side football and 7-a-side rugby were divided into women’s and men’s leagues, while tennis and paddle tennis were mixed-gender competitions.

UV athletes, who competed in all the finals except men’s handball league, won all the matches with the exception of men's 11-a-side football league. This means that UV has won 12 of the competitions.

You can consult the scores of all the finals at the following link:

2023-2024 CADU’s final scores

The Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) has hosted the CADU finals at its headquarters in Torrent.The importance of this competition was confirmed by the presence of representatives of several sports federations and the sports directors of the participating universities, including the Director of the UV Sports Service,Ana María Gómez. As well as the participation in the trophy ceremony of the General Director of Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana, Luis Cervera Torres.

The winning teams in each discipline will represent the Valencian Community and their respective universities at the2024 Spanish University Championships. This means that the UV will represent the Valencian universities in 12 sporting events.

The Universitat de València concludes a season in which the effort of our teams has given excellent results, demonstrating the commitment of our institution with the promotion of university sports.

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