The UV welcomes spring with fifteen chamber concerts

The Music Club of the Universitat de València begins the spring season with a programme of 15 chamber concerts that this year stand out for their instrumental and vocal variety, from 16 April to 19 June.

16 de april de 2024

String concert at the Sapience Chapel of La Nau. Archive photo.
String concert at the Sapience Chapel of La Nau. Archive photo.

As usual in this regular programme, the concerts will be held in three of the most emblematic university venues: the Sapiencia Chapel of La Nau Cultural Centre, the Sala de la Muralla of the Principal Peset Hall of Residence and the Auditori Joan Plaça of the Jardí Botànic of the Universitat de València.

Admission to the concerts is always free with prior booking at 72 hours before the day of the concert, except for the performances at the Auditori Joan Plaça, which will be free admission until full capacity is reached.

According to the head of initiatives of the Music Club, Guillem Escorihuela, "this programme is characterised by the great musical, instrumental and vocal variety it presents: we will hear strings, wind and singing; it is a commitment to young artistic training with the intervention of members of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat, as well as creative women and female talent with today's concert, for example, which, in collaboration with the Quality Unit of the UV, will be given by the Galician duo comprised of Susana Pérez (piano) and Óscar Rodríguez (double bass)".

Escorihuela also highlights the performances of "consolidated groups on the Valencian scene, such as Harmonie Ensemble (17 April) and Trio Sorolla (19 May), and outstanding soloists such as Juana Guillem (8 May), Spain National Orchestra flute soloist".

On 24 April, there will also be collaboration with the Palau de les Arts. As part of 'Música a la Capella' on Wednesdays, a concert will be held as part of the 'Verdi Marathon' series, which includes 28 performances over the next few months.

On the other hand, in May, the Music Club of the UV will offer the first of the two concerts in the 'Paraules al concert’ series with the intervention of experts who will comment on the content of the session with musicians and public. On 22 April, it will take place in the Sapience Chapel and will be dedicated to the centenary of the death of Puccini with the performance 'Puccini forever', where the soprano Maite Alberola will sing with José Ramón Martín on the piano. Dr. Inmaculada Retamero will also participate.

The series will end with the participation of Dr. Lluís Marzal in the concert on 9 June in the Auditori Joan Plaça, by Camerata La Stravaganza, who will perform ‘Noches de verano sobre el agua'.

Every concert will start at 19:00, except those on Sundays at the Botànic, which will be at 12:00.

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