The 4th edition of the programme ‘Erasmus en el Territorio’ 2016/2017 of the Universitat de València has finished

Several Erasmus and International students of the Universitat de València have attended the trips to la Albufera, Xàtiva, Els Alforins, Ayora-Cofrentes, Sagunt, Bocairent and Requena. The most visited destinations in this edition are Sagunto, Requena and Bocairent. The new edition of this programme will start in September 2018.

8 de may de 2017

The programme ‘Erasmus en el Territorio’ ended up the edition 2016/2017 last Saturday in Requena, capital of the region La Meseta de Requena-Utiel, famous for its cultural heritage, wine-making landscape and gastronomy. This has been its fourth edition with a total of 7 ludic and training trips. Students of the Erasmus, SICUE and International programmes have participated in this programme.

More than 120 students of twenty countries have attended these training routes: Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Palestine, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Uzbekistan. Among them, the most participative ones have been the Central European countries, in particular the German students. It should be noted the loyalty of the attendants, so the 80% of the students who attend the trips repeat them.

In this new edition the students have the opportunity to visit la Albufera of Valencia, Xàtiva (capital of the region La Costera), Els Alforins (composed by several towns such as Moixent, Font de la Figuera and Fontanars dels Alforins), Ayora-Cofrentes, Sagunto (capital of Camp de Morvedre), Bocairent (Vall d’Albaida) and Requena (capital of la Meseta de Requena-Utiel). The latest three have been the most visited destinations.

The programme ‘Erasmus en el territorio’ has been organised by the Universitat de València, through the Office of the Vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and the Office of the Vice-Principal for International Relations and Cooperation, in collaboration with the Centre d’Idiomes de la Universitat and the city council of Xàtiva, Requena, Ayora, Cofrentes, Sagunt, Bocairent, Moixent and the Association Terres dels Alforins.

The Vice-Principal Jorge Hermosilla has emphasised the training vocation of the programme ‘Erasmus en el territorio’ and stated that ‘these routes try to show to foreign students the Valencian heritage, cultural and landscapes values’. The Vice-Principal Guillermo Palao has said that the UV pretends with this initiative ‘to complete the stay of the students in the Universitat de València, increase their experiences and facilitate the access to the Valencian culture, gastronomy and landscape, in a university atmosphere’.

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