A company of the Science Park of the Universitat de València have been chosen by the SME Facility H2020

  • Fundació Parc Científic
  • April 24th, 2018
Una imatge de la plantilla d'Intenanomat

The nanotechnological company Intenanomat, which was born as a spin-off of the Universitat de València and was placed in the Science Park of the academic institution, has been chosen to receive European investment in the first phase of the “SME Facility” (sub-programme of the H2020 European Framework Programme for R&D). The company will receive sunk costs worth €50.000 to develop its business plan in the project OHMIO, which is set in the Energy field and is intended to produce highly efficient polymeric materials.

The SME Facility aims to support European and innovative SME in the international market. Thanks to this aid, Intenanomat gives its first step towards the introduction of its product Ohmidot in the international market. It is a highly flexible, transparent polymeric material that conducts electricity. It will improve the performance of this type of material and will mean a reduction of the production costs of certain devices such as solar cells and new generation LEDs. The European project has been entitled OHMIO.

This innovation, that now counts with European aid, was born thanks to the collaborative work between the Institute of Material Sciences of Universitat de València  (ICMUV) and the Institute of Bioengineering of the Universidad Miguel Hernández. It has a joint patent (UV, UMH and Intenanomat S.L.).

“These materials will be incorporated as a conductive layer in photovoltaic devices to improve its efficiency and stability” indicates Pedro Javier Rodríguez, responsible of Research and Development at Intenanomat. “The formula of the product indicates that it is made in liquid with selective additives and green solvents. Water cannot be used because it would reduce the shelf life of the device. It does not contain acids or other elements that cause corrosive problems neither. It will allow to reduce the manufacturing costs of the electronic device up to 80%. In addition, it reduces its carbon footprint.

Intenanomat S.L. was funded in 2009 under ICMUV’s wing. It was promoted by Rafael Abargues (researcher of the Institute Ramón y Cajal), Juan P. Martínez Pastor (UV professor in Applied Physics) and José Luis Valdés (tenured professor of the Department of Astronomy). Intenanomat S.L. was recognised in 2010 as a spin-off of the Universitat de València.  The company focuses on research and production of different types of polymer-based nanoparticles and nanocomposites or metallic oxides for its application in cosmetic, biotechnology, food, environmental, energetic or electronic/optoelectronic industries.

The Materials and Optoelectronic Devices Unit of the Institute of Materials Sciences intensely collaborates with R&D projects.

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