A conference brings together more than a hundred specialists in history of Valencian music at the UV

The Faculty of Geography and History hosts the meeting «Interseccions» between the 13 and 15 October, a conference dedicated to the history of the music in the Valencian Country. The sessions will develop at the faculty but also at the Palau de les Arts. The meeting has been opened this Thursday and it has been attended by the Counselor Vicent Marzà, the vice-principal Jorge Hermosilla, the dean Ester Alba and the coordinators of the meeting Ferran Escrivà and Andrea Bombi.

13 de october de 2016

Accodring to Marzà, Councelor for Education, Research, Culture and Sport, «this conference is a milestone that will open the door to a new period in the study and dissemination of a modern and necessary history of music in the Valencian Country. A history valuable for the contents but also for the meaning in the whole of our identity. It will also be useful to promote the interest of new valencian musical researchers and share their searchs as a way of contributing in the culture of the country.»

On the other hand, Hermosilla, vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Paticipation, has added that «this is an appropriate and necessary conference that gathers the efforts of specialists who study the history of Valencian music, through keeping it up to date and bringing it to light. The UV has always shown a strong involvement in this sense and this is why initiatives for the recovery and presence of Valencian leaders in the field of music have developed. On this occasion the implication could not miss.»

The dean of the Faculty, Ester Alba, has pointed out the necessity of broader studies in this field at University. «There are a lot of people who have come to our faculty to ask for the inclusion of history of music in the university studies.» Unfortunately, the change in the study plan, with a reduction of the degrees, has left the subject dedicated exclusively to this field reduced to one semester. We would like to create a double degree History-History of Music, but the cutbacks prevent the development of this project.»

The coordinators, Ferran Escrivà and Andrea Bombi, have pointed out that the title «Interseccions» shows the main goal of the conference: it serves as a meeting place among the people who dedicate their time to musicology. «The history of music in the Valencian Country is not well known and it is poorly understood. We are a land of musicians, but we suffer a historiographical gap, and this is why one of the ideas of these sessions is to create a debate about metodology and historiography.» they said.

«Interseccions» is a conference which wants to create a space and a moment to reflect on the situation of musical historiography in the country after 25 years of the publication of the History of Valencian Music. Since those days, the emergence of specialists with academic training and modern methodology has allowed the development of specific studies in different areas and fields of the Valencian musical activity over the course of centuries. The conference suggests a opportunity to open debate for these researchers, where the exchange of methodology, experience and information is favoured.

Around 100 people related to the world of musicological research and the world of culture will attend the conference. It should also be emphasized the Scientific Committee of the conference comprising Dinko Fabris, president for the International Musicology Society; Juan José Carreras, from the University of Zaragoza; Álvaro Torrente, from the Complutense University of Madrid; Tess Knighton from Clare College of Cambridge; and Cristina Urchueguía, from the Unversity of Berna. It should also be said that Fabio Biondi, musical director of the Palau de les Arts, will make one of the first preentations of the conference.

The academic conference has sessions oriented to the disclosure of new methodologies combined with posts where monographic works mainly from Valencian researchers will be presented. One of their goals is the recovery of our heritage, as well as enhancing it through a critical process compared to other works of advanced thought in Europe and America.

More information at: http://www.uv.es/interseccions/

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