A panel of discussion analyses the violation of human rights in La Punta

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • June 18th, 2018
Imatge d'arxiu d'un desallotjament a La Punta.
Imatge d'arxiu d'un desallotjament a La Punta.

On Tuesday 19 of June, the Faculty of Law organises a panel of discussion entitled “La Punta, a violation of Human Rights”. The event will take place in the boarding room at 12:30 p.m. and will count with the participation of the professor Ruth Mestre (Institute of Human Rights of the Universitat de València), Anna Gimeno (Per l’Horta), María del Carmen Gonzáles (Neighbourhood Association of La Punta), Blanca Jiménez Garrido (Amnesty International) and Carla Elena Reyes (Legal Clinic for Social Justice of the Faculty of Law of the Universitat de València).

The panel of discussion will be celebrated in the presentation of a report by Amnesty International on the violation of human rights in this district of the Huerta of Valencia, whose inhabitants suffered expropriations and violent evictions to build the Logistics Area of the Port of Valencia (ZAL). Two sentences of the Supreme Court of Spain (2009 and 2015) declared the invalidity of these two special plans of the Valencian Government for the development of the ZAL. In fact, properties that were expropriated by the port remain barren and deserted. Nonetheless, the Valencian Government has started a proceeding to approve a third plan for the ZAL.

The platform “Huerta is future, stop the ZAL” reclaims to the City Council, the Port Authority of Valencia and the Valencian Government that they stop their new plan and that they recover the terrains to build a green area that connects the Turia Garden with the Natural Park of la Albufera. The platform has called for a protest to la Punta that will start on Saturday 23 of June (10:30 a.m.) at the Clock Tower of the Port of Valencia.

In the last weeks, the platform is developing a series of conferences to address the relationships among the city, its surroundings, the orchards, the natural areas and the infrastructure. It will end on Tuesday 19 of June (7 a.m.) with a conference of the sociologist Pedro Costa Morata and a debate moderated by the professor Joan Olmos.

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