A seminar analyses the art and education possibilities to fight injustices

The following 25th, 26th and 27th October will take place at the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching headquarters (c/Alcalde Reig 8) the seminar ‘Art and Education against Injustices’. It is intended to raise awareness to the university community, present and future teaching staff and students, professionals and volunteers interested in the constant training about the possibilities of the art and education to fight social, economic and cultural injustices.

24 de october de 2017

Façana de la la seu del Màster de Professorat d’Educació Secundària
Façana de la la seu del Màster de Professorat d’Educació Secundària

The seminar, run by Amparo Alonso Sanz, full university professor of Artistic Education of the Faculty of Teacher Training of the Universitat de València, is aimed to transmit contents related to the importance of artistic processes as a form of struggle in teaching. Likewise, the seminar will foster techniques to promote the critical thinking and the individual reflection. It will also transfer the applicability of art in educational spaces as a basis for the detection of injustices, the visibility of conflicts in schools and the proposal of ethical alternatives, as well as suggesting actions for the undertaking of new educational and artistic solutions, promoting the creation of dynamic activities and didactic materials.

According to the professor Alonso Sanz, the seminar will value the art and education implication in issues such as gender discrimination, homophobic harassment and rejection of sexual diversity, devaluation of local resources, neglect of minority groups and disaffections. Besides, it is intended to work in a collaborative and multicultural way in order to find new solutions for the educational problems, always from their own culture and idiosyncrasy. And finally, to qualify the teaching staff to innovate in the education focused on the social, economic and cultural changes.

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