The Chair presents the annual report of 2016

The Office of the Principal of the Universitat de València hosted on 23 January the annual meeting of the joint committee of the Divina Pastora Adapted Sports Chair of the Universitat de València (CDPDAUV). Guillermo Palao, President of the Chair and vice-principal of Internationalisation and Cooperation; José Campos, Director of the Chair and the Physical Education and Sports Service of the Universitat de València; Pilar Nieto, deputy director of corporative responsibility of Divina Pastora and Rosa Laparra, manager of the Divina Pastora Foundation attended the meeting.

26 de january de 2017

In the meeting it was presented and approved the Annual Report of the activities carried out throughout 2016, the execution of the budget for that year and the proposal of training and promotion activities to be carried out in 2017. The Chair will continue to promote grants for athletes and will call the fifth edition of the awards for the best Master's Degree Final Projects and Doctoral Theses whose content is related to Physical Activity and Adapted Sport, approached from any area of knowledge.

Two new activities were also approved in the meeting: an open day where activities related to adapted sport will be carried out with the aim of promoting it among the university community and, on the other hand, the organisation of a training activity in collaboration with the general directorate of teaching staff of the Valencian Government, based on one of the research projects the Observatorio del Deporte Adaptado en las Universidades Españolas (Observatory of Adapted Sport in Spanish Universities) is carrying out.