The champions of pilota transmit their passion to the youngest students of the UV Summer School

The pilota players Puchol II, Carlos Donat and Victoria Díez have carried out a practical workshop to teach the children of the Universitat de València's Summer School this traditional Valencian sport.

19 de july de 2022

Around 165 children have received practical classes on how to put their hand, the different modalities of pilota and some movements and strokes with the ball. They have also been explained the history of this Valencian sport and some of its most outstanding curiosities. The activity is part of the Universitat de València's Summer School, which this year has traditional sports as its main theme.

In the words of Puchol II, events like this "are important because they help to promote Valencian sport and to ensure that it continues in the new generations". "Initiatives to promote grassroots sport are fundamental, to instil our love of pelota in the youngest children, and that future pilota players can be born from this," said Puchol II.

The event was attended by a representation of some of the best active pilota players. Puchol II (Francesc Xavier Puchol, Vinalesa 1991) has recently won the Fris Grec (the highest trophy for a Valencian pilota player, obtained by winning three consecutive individual championships or five alternative championships), having been five times champion of the Escala i Corda Individual Championship. In addition, he has been World Champion with the Valencian national team in 2017 and is the current Professional League champion.

Victoria Díez (València, 2001) is the first and, so far, only woman to win the Fris Grec, winning the CaixaBank Women's Raspall Individual Championship in four editions and being champion of the last five CaixaBank Women's Raspall Elite Leagues. Currently, she is a student of Biotechnology at the Universitat de València and is part of the pelota team of UVsports, the sports service of the academic institution.

Carlos Donat (Alfarb, 2000) is also a student at the Universitat de València, in this case a student of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, and is a member of the UV pelota team. He is the current champion of the Sub23 Individual of Escala i Corda and for three years in a row, the top representative of the Sub23 Escala i Corda Tecnification Circuit.

The Universitat de València Summer School is an educational leisure programme during the month of July, aimed at both the sons and daughters of members of the university community and the general public. It is divided into two schools: La Nau Menuda, for boys and girls up to 12 years old, and La Nau Jove, from 12 to 16 years old. This year, the common thread that motivates all the contents of the Summer School are traditional Valencian sports and sports from all over the world, with special emphasis on Valencian pilota.