Conference about multilingual experiences at the Faculty of Teacher Training

  • Press Office
  • September 22nd, 2017
Imatge de la Facultat de Magisteri
Facultat de Magisteri

The Faculty of Teacher Training will be the headquarters from 25th to 27th September of the 5th Conference on Multilingual Experiences. This year it will focus on ‘El projecte lingüístic de Centre (PLC): disseny, oportunitats i reptes’ (The centre’s linguistic project: design, opportunities and challenges). This will be the guiding principle of the teaching work at the conference. The basic premise is that linguistic communication is the key point of every educational action. The interaction between the teaching staff and students, the teaching/ learning processes, the relationship between students or even the school organization will be discussed.

In sociocultural and multilingual educative contexts, the linguistic communication is diversified into competences, ways and differentiated uses for each language. In the Valencian case, where the two official and educational languages co-exist at the school with other languages.

The aim of this conference is to dig into the possibilities and limits of the PLC by making questions that will be answered in a different way according to the contexts and perspective of the current and future changes. How to find a balance between the curricular demands and the diversity of educational situations; How to bring the plurality of linguistic environments closer to Valencian as a cohesion language; How to make progress in the integration of languages, contents and values; How to create a linguistic reflection basis for all the languages used at the centre; or Which aspects need to be evaluated in the oral and written expression within the non-linguistic subjects. These are some of the implicit unanswered questions of the topic that will be analysed. On the other hand, as in every educational process, the creation of a PLC requires information and, according to what the participants of the congress affirm, the knowledge is as important as the own proactive attitudes, the approval of differences, the promotion of curiosity and imagination, and the learning and reinforcement of the cooperative work.

Therefore, the Unit for the Multilingual Education (UEM) of the UV, in collaboration with CEFIRE Valencia, has organised these conferences of information exchange and training.

More information:

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