The coronavirus crisis highlights the need for public policies from a caregiving perspective

The professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Toya Vazquez analyzes who and how is caring in this crisis to assess whether it is fulfilled in gender equality.

3 de june de 2020

Toya Vázquez
Toya Vázquez

Toya Vázquez, Professor of the Department of Educational Theory and head of initiatives in the area of curricular sustainability, analyses in one of her lines of research the ethics of care as well as gender equality and the prevention of gender violence in education, in a video from the Equality Unit.

Vulnerability is one of the key concepts for Professor Vázquez. The vulnerability of our bodies, institutions, economic model and of violence in the home connects with the question of who is caring and under what conditions. According to Toya Vázquez, "in the face of vulnerability we are responding in various ways, with responsibility, anger, irresponsibility, overflowing, with guilt And what this crisis should allow us, in the words of Professor Vázquez, is to stop and think about how we want to take care of ourselves, how we want to care for ourselves and above all be aware of how we want to return to the new normality assuming that we are eco and interdependent.

The professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences refers to the author Joan Tronto, a feminist political scientist who has written a lot about the ethics of care and who points out in her studies that care is not an exclusive role for women, she warns that the way in which we solve care, gives us an idea of what democracy we are willing to assume.

This crisis teaches us what the real needs of people are, it is teaching us to humanize relationships and the need to apply public policies from the perspective of care.

Toya Vázquez, head of initiatives in the area of curricular sustainability, launches several questions in the educational community: What do we want the new generations to learn? Why research? Where do we direct the transfer of knowledge? In which university do we want to work?

For Professor Vázquez, "the ethics of care highlights the need to learn how to manage uncertainty, how to solve problems, how we seek strategies to live and work together".

Among her publications on the ethics of care are "The ethics of care perspective: A different way of doing education" Educacion XX1; (2010) and (2012) "Education for caregiving. Towards a new pedagogy" ed. Brief.

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