The "Demetrio Ribes" Chair promotes an exhibition about Valencian aqueducts

The "Demetrio Ribes" Chair has organised the III Workshop of Interdisciplinary Studies of Public Works ‘Arcs i conductes: aportacions a la història de l'enginyeria hidràulica’ and promoted the exhibition ‘Rius per l’aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana’.

15 de april de 2019


The control of the uses of water entails a milestone regarding the human capacity to create infrastructures. The Valencian territory presents notorious vestiges since ancient times. In order to study them, the “Demetrio Ribes” Chair has organised a conference in the Museu de la Ciutat de València (Arquebisbe Square, 3, Valencia) from the 16th until the 17th of April. Experts in the issue that come from several fields of knowledge will tackle the heterogeneous buildings of hydraulic engineering that used to organise the function of water, without overlooking the impact this had on later cultures through literature, toponymy, chorography or images.

The purpose of the Chair is to present to the audience the ‘journeys of the water’ in the past of Valencia from the point of view of archaeology, architecture and the history of the art. Furthermore, it also presents the inauguration of an exhibition that’s closely related to the conference. The title of which is ‘Rius per l’aire. Aqüeductes de la Comunitat Valenciana’, and it illustrates approximately thirty of the most representative aqueducts in the Valencian territory. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday, the 16th of April at 19:30 in the Museu de la Ciutat de València.