Doctoral students in medieval studies hold a conference about their research on the Aragon Crown

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • January 18th, 2022
The IDEM work team (Doctoral Researchers in Medieval Studies) of the University of Valencia.
The IDEM work team (Doctoral Researchers in Medieval Studies) of the University of Valencia.

The IDEM work team (Doctoral Researchers in Medieval Studies) of the University of Valencia is organising the Medieval Studies Research Workshop (TIEM) from this Wednesday 19th, a conference where various topics will be analysed around the Middle Ages in the Crown of Aragon and the neighbouring territories. The first lecture, L’estudi de la indústria armera a la Barcelona baixmedieval: metodologia i fonts d’una recerca en curs (‘The study of the arms industry in late medieval Barcelona: methodology and sources of ongoing research’), is by Pere Badia (University of Barcelona).

All the lectures will take place in the Board Room of the Department of Medieval History of the University of Valencia, at 11:30 a.m., and have the objective of disseminating the works and promoting debate and exchange between researchers in training or those who are already doctors.

IDEM was born in the Department of Medieval History of the University of Valencia and was established with the aim of publicising the research carried out by young medievalists. The group, through the medieval studies research workshop, organises two types of sessions throughout the year. One with the intervention of doctoral students, or already doctors, who share their research topic, and a second with graduates or master’s students, who share their TFG or TFM.

The next planned activities will be Investigar la identitat col·lectiva medieval i moderna: el cas de Catalunya (‘Investigating medieval and modern collective identity: the Catalonia case’), by Cristian Palomo (Universitat Jaume I), on February 11; and La investigación de las órdenes militares medievales: el caso del Hospital en Navarra entre 1435 y 1487 (‘The investigation of medieval military orders: the case of the Hospital in Navarra between 1435 and 1487’), by Miguel Ángel Arrondo (University of Navarra). Also, L’arquitectura hidràulica en pedra picada en temps del gòtic tardà valencià (‘Hydraulic architecture in crushed stone in Valencian late Gothic times’), by Cristian Pardo (University of Valencia), on March 28; and Pràctiques performatives i devocionals de l’orde de Sant Jaume a Barcelona: la comunitat femenina del Monestir de Jonqueres. Origen, continuïtats i canvis (XIII-XVI) (‘Performative and devotional practices of the order of Sant Jaume in Barcelona: the female community of the Jonqueres Monastery. Origin, continuities and changes (XIII-XVI)’), by Begoña Pons (University of Barcelona), on April 20.


More information on TIEM:

