Doctorate diploma award ceremony in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Universidad de València

  • April 7th, 2017
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

One hundred students who have finished the doctoral studies in the UV receive this Friday a diploma in a ceremony that takes place in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. This number of students attend on behalf of the almost 1000 students who have obtained the doctorate during the academic year 2015-16. The ceremony will be broadcast live from 12:00.

The Principal, Esteban Morcillo; four vice-principals; the General Secretary, Maria José Añón; and the Director of the Doctoral School, José Vicente Bagán will attend to the ceremony.

A total of 996 thesis have been read during the academic year 2015-16 in the Universitat de València, 162 of them have the International Mention. This means that a part of the doctoral programme has been conducted in a foreign university and there have been research stays out of the country. Moreover, 577 of the 996 thesis have been read by women and 419 by men. Almost one hundred people will attend to the ceremony which will be held in the Aula Magna of the faculty. They represent the 10% of those who have achieved the doctorate. It is a representation of the new doctors who embrace all the fields of knowledge of the UV.

The number of thesis which will be read the coming years is expected to be greater than the one of 2015-2016 because at the present there are 4477 doctoral students who are enrolled in any of the UV’s programmes. In particular, there are 1100 students in 72 doctoral programmes in extraordinary process who will finish in 2017-18. In addition to this, there are 3373 people enrolled in the 61 doctoral programmes of the new curricula.