The professor Jaume Martí is awarded the 18th Prize García Goyena of legal articles

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • April 24th, 2019
Jaume Martí

The professor of the Universitat de València Jaume Martí Miravalls has won the 18th Prize García Goyena of legal articles. It is given every year by the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

Jaume Martí Miravalls is a tenured professor of the Department of Commercial Law “Manuel Broseta Pont”. He is also a speaker of the Committee for Defending Competence in the Valencian Community and an external advisor of the firm of lawyers Roca Junyent. Additionally, he is a member of the research group “Derecho de redes” and, among other publications; he is the author of the monography Redes de franquicia: teoría y práctica.

The awarded article is titled “Nulidad por infracción del Derecho de la Competencia: sobre la necesaria revisión de la práctica jurisprudencial española”. According to Martí, the article aims to establish the existing connections between Competence Law, Tort Law and contract Law on the basis of the nullity as a result of the infraction of antitrust Law. Martí tried to study them systematically dealing with certain contradictions in the implementation of Spanish jurisprudence. In this sense, he contributes to reduce the jurisprudential conflicts between these important sectors of the legal-economical law.

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