Escena Erasmus presents the European project Erasmus+ Scene Network in Marburg

The last 6 June it was present at the University of Marburg (Germany) the European project Erasmus+ Scene Network. This project will be formed by the Philipps University of Marburg, the University of Padua and the General Foundation of the Universitat de València as well as the theatre company CRIT.

8 de june de 2017

The project aims at underlining the value of the local headquarters of Escena Erasmus organised in these three cities and to make the most of the creative potential of the Erasmus and the local students in order to work in the theatre didactics in multicultural groups, the constant reflection of the current Europe through the dramaturgies and the artistic intervention for the integration of diverse cultures.

Erasmus+ Scene Network presents a work schedule of two academic years. In this first academic year the two international meetings between València and Marburg have taken place. There, it has been designed the work manual for the future Escena Erasmus Network and the different artistic and management lines have been established. All this will conclude next year in a great cultural and international meeting which will take place in València.

Some people have attended the event: the manager of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, Crstóbal Súria; the director of the International relations office of the University of Marburg, Christina Böhle; the Principal’s delegate for the promotion of performing arts of the University of Padua, Caterina Barone; the director of the theatre company CRIT, Ana Marí, Daniel Tormo and Josep Valero and the coordinators of Dramarasmus Marburg headquarters, Matthias Hauk and Romy Semler.

Cristóbal Suria, the manager of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València and leader of this Erasmus+ project has said that this activity “was the greatest scored of all the projects that were presented at the 2016 Spanish call”. He has positive viewed the opportunity offered by the performing creativity domain, “by its abilities to bring together the local headquarters of the Escena Erasmus which already existed in the represented countries and because it will be able to think in a practical way about the new European situations which are living our citizens”, referring to the purpose of including in the artistic productions the different NGOs which work in the human rights domain.

The meeting in Marburg will continue until Friday. Here, apart from designing the structure for the next year’s project, the Escena Erasmus project will also be promoted among the university community through workshops and meetings with the professors of Valencia, Marburg and Padua. The next international meeting will take place in Padua next September.

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