Europe recognizes the theatrical project Erasmus+ Scene Network with European Cultural Heritage Label

  • UV General Foundation
  • April 11st, 2018
Actrius i actors del projecte Erasmus+ Scene Network.
Actrius i actors del projecte Erasmus+ Scene Network.

The European theatrical project Erasmus+ Scene Network, led by General Foundation of the Universitat de València, has been rewarded by European Commission with the European Cultural Heritage Label. It is a recognition given to those initiatives that contribute to the achievement of the goals of European Year Cultural Heritage, as protection, re-use, valuation and promotion of European cultural heritage.

The attribution of this Label grant the right to use the visual identity of the European Year Cultural Heritage, providing a greater visibility to beneficiaries of the project Erasmus+. Furthermore, it ensures the dissemination of the selected project at national and European level.

Erasmus+ Scene Network is a cultural European project based on theatre and education. It is intended for Erasmus students, Valencian students and refugees in Valencia. The main objective is to establish a meeting point for all of them to work together with common purpose: the creation of theatre performances. This process will lead to the acquisition of language, communicative, artistic and expressive skills to improve some aspects of integration and employability of the participants. Therefore, the idea is the integration of refugees citizen, immigrants and Erasmus students. They learn languages using theatre and performing arts as a vehicle for social integration and cohesion.

The project is composed of four associates of three European countries: the General Foundation of the Universitat de València (Spain, project coordinator), Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany), Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and the Valencian theatre company CRIT (Spain). The project will end with the celebration of Erasmus Scene European Festival, from 21 to 25 May, at the Centre Cultural La Nau, the Headquarters that will bring together in Valencia the members of the first European theatre network Escena Erasmus.

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