Experts of the University of Valencia gathered in a symposium about painting on metal plates

Experts of the University of Valencia participate in a symposium about painting on metal plates during 27 and 28 January. The sessions will be celebrated at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in collaboration with CulturArts. The title of the symposium is ‘Painting on copper (and other metal plates): Production, degradation and conservation.’ More than 100 specialists of museums and institutions of Europe and the United States will be gathered in the symposium.

25 de january de 2017

The following presenters of international importance will attend, like for example Isabel Horovitz (The Painting Conservation Studio from London), Jørgen Wadum (Centre for Art Technological Studies and Conservation CATS from Copenhaguen), Alison Stock (City & Guilds of London Art School from London), Nico Broers (École Saint Luc from Liège), Anne Schmid (Fondation Beyeler from Basel), Lucía Martínez (Prado Museum) or Leslie Carlyle (Nova University of Lisbon from Portugal), among others.

Painting on metal plates was, along with traditional resources like canvas and table, one of the most common pictorial resources in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The result are works of extraordinary quality which suffer from important damages because of the peculiar features of the resource. In some cases, these paintings suppose real challenges for the restorers who are responsible for working on their conservation. Because of this complexity there is a need of celebrating a symposium on this area which received a very detailed attention by specialists who will now gather for the first time in Valencia in order to look for solutions that alleviate these damages by exchanging experiences on different study cases. This will make it possible to establish some guidelines to retain these singular works.

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